CESA Webinars & Events

Below is the list of our upcoming and most recent webinars. All of our webinars are free to attend, but registration is required. Click on the titles of the upcoming webinars below to read more and register.


Batteries 101, Part 3: Safety and Environmental Considerations for Battery Energy Storage in Massachusetts

July 11, 2024

In a special, Massachusetts-focused webinar series by CEG and CESA, experts answer your questions about energy storage. This third installment will address fire codes, environmental considerations, and security considerations that municipalities and planners should explore when designing a battery storage project in their communities.

Energy Storage for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

July 30, 2024

States are increasingly adopting ambitious clean energy and climate goals, which will require both renewable generation and energy storage technologies. This webinar will feature two different state approaches to reducing emissions with energy storage.

Department of Energy, Equitable Solar Communities of Practice Community Convening: Resilience, Storage, and Grid Benefits

August 5, 2024

Join CEG for an interactive 2-hour session exploring the best practices, opportunities, and obstacles in advancing resilient power – solar PV paired with battery storage (solar+storage) – in historically marginalized communities.

California’s Flexible Demand Appliance Standards for Pool Controls Program – Employing Load Shifting to Lower Peak Demand and Avoid Emissions

August 15, 2024

In 2023, the California Energy Commission (CEC) created the first-in-the-world flexible demand appliance standard for residential swimming pool controls. In this CESA webinar, guest speakers from the CEC will present their award-winning Flexible Demand Appliance Standards for Pool Controls program, featuring CEC Commissioner Andrew McAllister.


Webinar: Biomass Sustainability and RPS Programs, PART II

December 17, 2010

On this webinar, Maggie Mann of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Chris Recchia of the Biomass Energy Resource Center (BERC) will be continuing the discussion from the November 19, 2010 webinar, Biomass Sustainability and RPS Programs, PART I.

OSW Webinar: Building the U.S. Offshore Wind Supply Chain, SESSION #2

December 15, 2010

The guest speakers on this second webinar focusing on building the U.S. offshore wind supply chain will discuss how regions of the U.S. can prepare for an offshore wind industry by capitalizing on their regional strengths and learning from the UK’s decade of experience in offshore wind supply chain building.

Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Webinar: DOE/CESA/TTC Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Brown Bag Series Kickoff

December 14, 2010

DOE, CESA, and TTC kickstarted the return of their joint hydrogen and fuel cells brown bag webinar series with this event, on which Sunita Satyapal, DOE Fuel Cell Technologies manager, provided an up-to-date overview of DOE’s Fuel Cel Technologies program activities.

OSW Webinar: Building the U.S. Offshore Wind Supply Chain SESSION #1

December 1, 2010

The speakers on this first webinar of the U.S. Offshore Wind Collaborative (USOWC) and Clean Energy States Alliance series to explore how to build the U.S. offshore wind supply chain will walk us through their experience working for the UK’s Crowne Estate to enable supply chain development for Round 3 of the UK’s Offshore Wind Energy Strategy and Structure. The speakers have a decade of experience in working to build the UK’s offshore wind supply chain and market.

Webinar: Biomass Sustainability and RPS Programs, Part I

November 19, 2010

This is the first part of a two-part series of webinars for CESA members and members of the State-Federal RPS Collaborative to explore the topic of the greenhouse gas impacts of biomass energy and implications for state RPS and renewable policy, in light of the recent Manomet report, “Biomass Sustainability and Carbon Policy Study.”

CESA Fall Meeting 2010: Washington, DC

October 27, 2010

CESA’s Fall 2010 Members Meeting took place in Washington, DC. This members-only conference included presentations by clean energy experts and plenty of opportunity for CESA members to network and collaborate on shared challenges and experiences.

2010 National Summit on RPS

October 20, 2010

The National Summit on RPS provides a forum for state officials interested in implementing or increasing the effectiveness of their RPS programs to meet an exchange ideas. The 2010 Summit was held in conjunction with the Renewable Energy Markets conference in Portland, Oregon.

States Advancing Wind Webinar: Evaluating the Visual Impact of Wind Turbines: A Methodology for State Officials

October 14, 2010

In this webinar presentation, landscape architect Jean Vissering reviews her draft report for CESA, “A Visual Impact Assessment Process for Wind Energy Projects.” This report was created as part of CESA’s States Advancing Wind Project, funded by DOE’s Wind Powering America program.

Webinar: FERC Ruling and Feed-in Tariffs

September 30, 2010

This webinar reviews Feed-in Tariff policy options for states, given the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC’s) July 15, 2010 ruling that state legislatures and PUCs are preempted from establishing a FIT rate that is inconsistent with PURPA.

Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Webinar: Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Technology and State Policy

September 28, 2010

On this NCSL-CESA webinar, individuals working on hydrogen & fuel cell commercialization and deployment from four organizations will provide an overview of their work and resources they have created that are helpful to state clean energy officials.