CESA Webinars & Events

Below is the list of our upcoming and most recent webinars. All of our webinars are free to attend, but registration is required. Click on the titles of the upcoming webinars below to read more and register.


45V Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit: A Windfall for the Fossil Fuel Industry?

March 26, 2025

In this Clean Energy Group webinar, panelists will discuss some of the more concerning loopholes around biomethane use for hydrogen production, gaps in the emissions accounting method used for 45V, and the impact of this final guidance on the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs.

Energy Storage and Cybersecurity

April 1, 2025

In this webinar, industry experts will provide an “Energy Storage and Cybersecurity 101” and overview the current landscape for cyber security considerations for energy storage systems. 

Energy Resilience for Medically Vulnerable Multifamily Affordable Housing Residents: A Technoeconomic Analysis for Connecticut

April 10, 2025

This webinar provides an overview of the “Resilient Solar+Storage” training materials and course content, which includes the basics of solar+storage, evaluating a potential project, exploring financing and ownership options, and working with project development partners.

National Energy Summit for States: Navigating Energy Trends and Federal Programs

May 28, 2025

This event will bring together state and federal government officials and program staff who are working to implement IRA/BIL programs.


The Market Value of Offshore Wind on the U.S. East Coast

May 4, 2018

A new study by Berkeley Lab finds that the market value of offshore wind varies significantly along the U.S. East Coast, depending on the time-varying wind resource profile at a given site, as well as local pricing and market rules within the regional power market.

Income Trends of Residential Solar Adopters

May 2, 2018

Guest speakers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory discussed their new report on income trends of residential solar adopters. It is the most comprehensive analysis of this type to date, and one of few to utilize household-level income estimates.

FERC and Clean Energy

April 26, 2018

In this webinar, John Moore (NRDC’s Sustainable FERC Project) discussed some of the issues currently before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the regional markets it regulates, including the potential threats for state RPSs and related state energy policies.

FERC Order 841: Leveling the Playing Field for Energy Storage Resource Market Participation

April 4, 2018

In this webinar, guest speakers from Customized Energy Solutions will summarize FERC Order 841 and describe its impact on storage markets, just as RTO/ISO compliance efforts are getting underway across the country.

New Financing Options for Solar+Storage in Low-Income Communities

March 29, 2018

In this webinar, Clean Energy Group’s Rob Sanders was joined by guest speakers from National Housing Trust and Urban Ingenuity to discuss ownership and finance models ranging from immediate direct ownership to third party ownership flips to C-PACE financing strategies.

Valuing Resilience: Exploring the Role of Solar+Storage in Grid Outages

March 14, 2018

The webinar included a review of the findings detailed in a recent paper released by NREL and Clean Energy Group, “Valuing the Resilience Provided by Solar and Storage Systems,” which illustrates the impact of valuing resilience on solar+storage system sizing.

The Status of State Grid Modernization Efforts

March 9, 2018

States are playing an important role in modernizing the nation’s electricity grid. In this webinar, two presentations discussed the range of activity taking place at the state level.

One Year In – Energy Storage Proves its Worth in Sterling, MA

March 7, 2018

Summarizing one year of operations, this webinar shows how the Sterling Municipal Light Department’s energy storage project saved nearly $400,000 for the town’s ratepayers. The webinar also provides information on a second energy storage project being undertaken by Sterling in conjunction with a community solar installation.

Promising Solar PV Financing Strategies for Low- and Moderate-Income Customers

March 1, 2018

In this webinar, Jeff Cook and Lori Bird of NREL discussed the most promising strategies state policymakers might consider using to finance solar PV for low- and moderate-income customers across three housing types: single family, multifamily, and manufactured housing.

Solar+Storage for Public and Affordable Housing

February 22, 2018

This webinar provides an overview of the technology, value proposition, and financing options for projects that pair solar with battery storage for public and affordable housing.