CESA Webinars & Events

Below is the list of our upcoming and most recent webinars. All of our webinars are free to attend, but registration is required. Click on the titles of the upcoming webinars below to read more and register.


45V Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit: A Windfall for the Fossil Fuel Industry?

March 26, 2025

In this Clean Energy Group webinar, panelists will discuss some of the more concerning loopholes around biomethane use for hydrogen production, gaps in the emissions accounting method used for 45V, and the impact of this final guidance on the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs.

Energy Storage and Cybersecurity

April 1, 2025

In this webinar, industry experts will provide an “Energy Storage and Cybersecurity 101” and overview the current landscape for cyber security considerations for energy storage systems. 

Energy Resilience for Medically Vulnerable Multifamily Affordable Housing Residents: A Technoeconomic Analysis for Connecticut

April 10, 2025

This webinar provides an overview of the “Resilient Solar+Storage” training materials and course content, which includes the basics of solar+storage, evaluating a potential project, exploring financing and ownership options, and working with project development partners.

National Energy Summit for States: Navigating Energy Trends and Federal Programs

May 28, 2025

This event will bring together state and federal government officials and program staff who are working to implement IRA/BIL programs.


US Renewables Portfolio Standards: Berkeley Lab’s Annual Status Report

September 4, 2019

LBNL’s Galen Barbose reviewed key trends in state RPSs, including recent legislative revisions, key RPS policy design features, state RPSs’ compliance with interim targets, past and projected impacts on renewables development, and compliance costs.

New York’s Energy Storage Roadmap and Other Initiatives

August 21, 2019

In this webinar, guest speakers from NYSERDA discussed New York’s Energy Storage Roadmap to 1,500MW by 2025 and other energy storage policies and programs, including a new bridge incentive, soft cost reductions, and procurement targets.

Community Campaigns for Renewable Heating and Cooling Technologies, Part 2

August 5, 2019

CESA hosted the second in a two-part webinar series highlighting the role renewable heating and cooling campaigns play in decarbonizing buildings and in helping states meet their carbon reduction goals.

Maycroft Apartments: A Low-Income Solar+Storage Resiliency Center in DC

July 31, 2019

In April 2019, Maycroft Apartments became the first resiliency center in the District of Columbia fully powered by solar+storage. This webinar featured presentations by the project’s nonprofit developer, New Partners Community Solar, and energy consultant, Amidus Consulting.

Community Campaigns for Renewable Heating and Cooling Technologies, Part 1

July 29, 2019

This webinar featured CESA’s recent report, “Community Campaigns for Renewable Heating and Cooling Technologies: Four Case Studies,” and included speakers from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and the City of Boulder, Colorado.

Energy Storage 101, Part 2: Best Practices in State Policy

July 23, 2019

CESA Project Director Todd Olinsky-Paul reviewed the major policies adopted by leading states, discussed their strengths and weaknesses, and identified issues that should be addressed as states seek ways to support energy storage deployment and the development of markets for the services storage can provide.

EVs and the Electricity System

July 2, 2019

What is the trajectory for the market penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) and what does it mean for the electrical grid? How can EVs be best integrated into the grid so that they increase system reliability and reduce emissions? What would be the impacts on the grid of different scenarios for EV charging?

Building Resilient Home Health Care with Energy Storage

June 27, 2019

Marriele Mango (Clean Energy Group) and Annie Shapiro (Meridian Institute) were joined by Kristen Finne of the emPOWER program for a discussion on the need for resilient power technologies for medically vulnerable households.

Massachusetts’ Municipal Utility Energy Storage Projects: Examples from Sterling, Templeton, and Wakefield

June 25, 2019

CESA hosted a webinar with the Sterling Municipal Light Department, the Templeton Municipal Light & Water Department, and the Wakefield Municipal Gas & Light Department who discussed their energy storage systems, their financial benefits, and lessons learned from designing and dispatching their battery systems.

NARUC CPI Webinar: Energy Efficiency and Emerging Technology: How State Programs Can Drive Innovation and Deliver Benefits

June 13, 2019

This moderated discussion will explore how state energy efficiency programs can be used to advance emerging technologies like energy storage while delivering benefits to ratepayers and the grid. CEG Project Director Todd Olinsky-Paul will present.