Three Reasons to Support CESA

Dear Colleague,

As you are thinking about end-of-the-year charitable contributions, let me give you three reasons to consider including the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) in your giving;

1. There is a unique opportunity to slow climate change. The new administration coming to Washington will give high priority to global warming and clean energy. As I wrote in a recent op-ed in Morning Consult, the quickest, most cost-effective way for the federal government to make rapid progress will be to support the states that have been carrying the clean energy banner in recent years.

Because CESA understands those states so well, we can help them accelerate their clean energy activities and take best advantage of the likely increased federal assistance. As one example, through the 100% Clean Energy Collaborative, CESA is bringing states together to share strategies and plans for eliminating carbon emissions from electricity generation and use.

2. The pandemic’s economic damage has increased states’ need for CESA’s help. Many states that want to move forward on clean energy find their budgets constrained and staffs stretched thin. CESA can help them develop and implement cost-effective programs by identifying best practices, providing guidance on program design, and coordinating multi-state projects so states can work together to tackle common issues.

States know that they need to ensure that clean energy implementation advances energy equity and social equality. CESA is giving high priority to this challenge. Through activities such as the Solar with Justice report and the Scaling Up Solar project, we are promoting strategies for equitable solar development that includes the active participation of under-resourced communities.

3. CESA’s free information-sharing activities are more widely used than ever—but they need additional financial support. CESA’s webinars on clean energy topics of interest to policymakers, regulators, industry, advocates, and other stakeholders routinely draw many hundreds of registrants and our newsletters have thousands of readers. The ever-growing participation indicates that we are providing a valuable educational service. Because of the urgent importance of the issues CESA addresses—from energy storage to offshore wind to building electrification to electricity system modernization to solar consumer protection—now is the time to expand our efforts.

CESA has been able to provide reports, webinars, and newsletters at no charge because of financial support from private foundations, the US Department of Energy, and CESA-member organizations. But to maintain and increase our level of activity, we need contributions from colleagues like you.

A tax-deductible donation of $250, $100, $50, $25, or any amount will make a big difference.


A contribution to CESA, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, will enable us to amplify our impact and move clean energy forward at a time when this is so important.

Consider contributing $5 for every webinar you listened to or publication you read over the past year.

And if you have suggestions for how CESA can increase our effectiveness or make our webinars, newsletters, and reports more useful to you and others in the clean energy field, please let me know.


Warren Leon
Executive Director

Published On

November 30, 2020
