Standards and Requirements for Solar Equipment, Installation, and Licensing and Certification: A Guide for States and Municipalities

Beren Argetsinger (Keyes & Fox LLP) and Benjamin Inskeep (EQ Research LLC), for the Clean Energy States Alliance

This guide is intended as a starting point for program managers in states or municipalities who are developing or revising standards and requirements for installation, licensing and certification, equipment, and warranties for solar photovoltaic (PV) equipment and systems. It discusses a selection of programs and rules in these areas to highlight various means by which states and municipalities have addressed these topics and how they impact the implementation of solar policy goals. The guide develops recommendations and considerations for each topic area based upon review of numerous state and local solar programs and in consultation with program managers, solar installers, consultants, and non-governmental organizations.

This guidebook was written by Beren Argetsinger (Keyes & Fox LLP) and Benjamin Inskeep (EQ Research LLC) for CESA.

Webinar: Solar Equipment, Installation, and Licensing & Certification: A Guide for States and Municipalities (2/9/17) – Watch it here

This report and webinar were produced through CESA’s Sustainable Solar Education Project, which provides information and educational resources to help states and municipalities ensure that distributed solar electricity remains consumer friendly and benefits low- and moderate-income households. This project is funded through the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative’s Solar Training and Education for Professionals program.

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Date: January 30, 2017
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