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Developing an Effective State Clean Energy Program: Competitive Grants

March 1, 2009

This best practice briefing paper summarizes innovative grant making approaches and practices that have worked effectively for state clean energy programs.

Developing an Effective State Clean Energy Program: A Blueprint for Success

March 1, 2009

This best practice briefing paper summarizes innovative approaches and practices that have worked effectively for state clean energy programs accross the country and focuses on programmatic activities and adminstrative issues.

Developing an Effective State Clean Energy Program: Renewable Energy Incentives

March 1, 2009

This best practice briefing paper summarizes approaches and practices that have worked effectively for state clean energy programs in providing small renewable project incentives.

Developing an Effective State Clean Energy Program: Clean Energy Loans

March 1, 2009

The best practice briefing paper summarizes loan approaches and practices to support renewable energy projects.

State Clean Energy Fund Support for Renewable Energy Projects: Key Findings from the CESA National Database, 1998-2007

January 23, 2009

This report from CESA demonstrates how state clean energy funds have emerged over the past decade as a major driver of renewable energy projects across the U.S.

2009 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards – Case Studies

January 13, 2009

On January 13, 2009, CESA presented awards to the five winners of the 2009 SLICE Awards at a ceremony at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. This document includes more information about the 2009 SLICE awards, including case studies on each of the five winning programs.

Recommended Principles and Best Practices for State Renewable Portfolio Standards

January 1, 2009

CESA’s State-Federal RPS Collaborative Steering Committee, with input from Collaborative participants and the National RPS Summit, has developed the following Recommended Principles and Best Practices for effective state RPS program deployment.

Economic Stimulus and a Federal/ State Clean Energy Partnership: CESA Position Paper

January 1, 2009

This position paper highlights CESA’s policy recommendations for how a new federal/state partnership can enhance a green economic stimulus package.

Observations on State and Federal Interaction with Respect to Renewable Portfolio Standards

January 1, 2009

Over the last three years, a regional collaborative of state RPS program managers from the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region has been exploring how to support successful design and implementation of state RPS programs. The Collaborative has prepared the following observations regarding the appropriate interaction between any federal RPS that might be adopted by Congress and state RPS programs.

Best Practices for Effective Renewable Energy Credit Programs A Report to the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association

December 1, 2008

This report provides CESA’s recommendations on “best practices” for REC trading, based on the experience and program elements of existing state RPS laws.