Resource Archive - Report
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This paper summarizes the key, initial findings from CESA’s 2008 national database of state fund-supported renewable energy projects.
This CESA report provides basic information on state policies to advance the fuel cell industry.
This CESA report provides basic information on the value of fuel cells as a reliable power source for critical facilities such as hospitals and banks.
This CESA report provides information on fuel cell technologies, economics, and stationary power applications.
This state wind energy program guide was created to help state clean energy fund managers and policymakers examine financial support tools for distributed wind projects.
This state wind energy program guide for state clean energy fund managers and policymakers that support the installation of on-site, behind-the-meter wind turbines at private businesses and municipal and other public facilities.
In this new report, Clean Energy Group recommends that Congress establish a new “Clean Energy Federalism” to expand the historic role of states to fund and deploy clean energy projects, create jobs, and grow the clean energy sector.
This report provides an overview and specific examples of three creative finance tools that any state can use to support solar PV in the context of an existing RPS: solar set-asides, feed-in tariffs, and reverse auction mechanisms.
This report describes the many financing options available to state energy offices, municipal governments, and other energy agencies for utilizing public funds for clean energy project support.
This report provides marketing best practices on how to address barriers to solar market growth. The report serves as a guide for states in pursuing their market planning process. According to the report, by acting more like retailers selling a product, state solar programs have the potential to sharply increase PV purchases and installations.