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Summary of “Massachusetts Study on Wind Turbine Acoustics”

January 4, 2017

This is a summary of “Massachusetts Study on Wind Turbine Acoustics,” a 2016 report produced by RSG, Epsilon Associates, and Northeast Wind for the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. This summary was prepared for the Northeast Wind Resource Center by the Clean Energy States Alliance.

Publicly Supported Solar Loan Programs: A Guide for States and Municipalities

January 3, 2017

This guide describes general factors state and municipal governments should consider when assessing whether to launch a public solar loan program, explains various loan program design elements, and offers several case studies.

Solar Information for Consumers: A Guide for States

November 8, 2016

This guide explains why states should provide consumer information on solar, describes the types of information that can be useful, and points out existing educational efforts by states and other entities that provide models and useful resource information.

New England Solar Cost-Reduction Partnership: Accomplishments, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations

October 28, 2016

This is the final report for the New England Solar Cost-Reduction Partnership. It offers the public insights about project accomplishments, successes, lessons learned, and recommendations for future actions.

Project Overview: McKnight Lane Redevelopment Project

October 18, 2016

This fact sheet provides an overview of the McKnight Lane Redevelopment Project in Waltham, Vermont. It is the first in the nation to provide net-zero affordable housing with resilient solar+storage technology for rural tenants.

Una Guía Práctica de Financiación Solar Para Dueños de Casa

Una Guía Práctica de Financiación Solar Para Dueños de Casa

September 28, 2016

Clean Energy States Alliance, (CESA), preparó esta guía a través de la Asociación para la Reducción de Costo Solar de Nueva Inglaterra, un proyecto bajo el nombre de “SunShot” del Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos, y el desafío llamado “Rooftop Solar Challenge II”.

New York Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Financing: Loans, Leases, and PPAs

September 1, 2016

This guide is designed to help homeowners make informed decisions about financing solar. It is a state-specific version of CESA’s 2015 report, A Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Financing: Leases, Loans and PPAs.

Energy Storage Procurement Guidance Documents for Municipalities

August 2, 2016

These guidance documents are intended to support Massachusetts Department of Energy’s Community Clean Energy Resilience Initiative awardees in energy storage procurement. Additionally, these materials offer useful information for other municipalities to consider as they develop solicitations for resilient, energy storage projects.

Does Energy Storage Fit in an RPS?

July 29, 2016

This is an updated version of a report originally published in 2014. This paper explores the question of how states, which have taken the lead in promoting clean energy through Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), could facilitate increased deployment of energy storage.

Commerce Clause Implications of Allco Finance Ltd. Challenges to Connecticut and Massachusetts RPS Programs

July 28, 2016

This note summarizes the implications of two pending lawsuits that allege that the Connecticut and Massachusetts RPS programs discriminate against out-of-region renewable energy generation and therefore violate the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution.