Resource Archive - Presentation
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This CESA presentation within the Meaningful Household Savings Community of Practice summarizes best practices, pathways to scale meaningful household savings, and research needs.
This deck is a short series of recommendations to Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) that wish to better understand the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar for All competition and how to engage with the Solar for All opportunities. It briefly introduces the Solar for All competition, offers a realistic timeline for programs and funding deployment, and suggests concrete steps and resources for CBOs to support states in ensuring the success of the program.
Slides from a presentation by DOE for state energy agencies on writing an effective Community Benefit Plan, a required application component of all Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding opportunity announcements and loan applications.
This slideshow provides information firefighters need to know to deal with fires on buildings equipped with PV systems.
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) and the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) held a briefing about energy innovations at the state level. The briefing investigated the significant role states are playing by implementing novel policies and effective approaches that reduce the cost of generating clean energy.
CESA and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) held a congressional briefing to discuss the significant role that states are playing in developing and deploying clean energy technologies.
This presentation reviews the U.S. solar market and solar trends.
This presentation reviews state policies and trends in solar installations.
This presentation reviews state support of solar initiatives and incentive programs and the major policy tools states are using to advance solar energy.