Resource Archive - Solar Consumer Protection


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Rooftop Solar Financing 101 (video)

August 10, 2017

This video introduces three common solar financing methods: loans, leases, and power purchase agreements (PPAs) and briefly explains some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Choosing a Solar Installer (video)

August 10, 2017

This video offers advice for customers in selecting a solar contractor, questions that customers should ask a solar contractor, and information that should be included in a solar contractor’s bid.

Will Solar Panels Save You Money? (video)

August 10, 2017

This video discusses key questions homeowners should explore when assessing whether going solar makes financial sense, including how the cost of solar compares to savings from solar, how the federal tax credit works, and the extent to which a homeowner’s electricity bill can be offset by solar.

Consumer Protection for Community Solar: A Guide for States

June 8, 2017

This guide discusses consumer protection issues that may arise in community solar projects for residential consumers, and the role states can play in ensuring appropriate consumer protections.

Standards and Requirements for Solar Equipment, Installation, and Licensing and Certification: A Guide for States and Municipalities

January 30, 2017

This guide is intended as a starting point for program managers in states or municipalities who are developing or revising standards and requirements for installation, licensing and certification, equipment, and warranties for solar PV equipment and systems.

Solar Information for Consumers: A Guide for States

November 8, 2016

This guide explains why states should provide consumer information on solar, describes the types of information that can be useful, and points out existing educational efforts by states and other entities that provide models and useful resource information.

Una Guía Práctica de Financiación Solar Para Dueños de Casa

Una Guía Práctica de Financiación Solar Para Dueños de Casa

September 28, 2016

Clean Energy States Alliance, (CESA), preparó esta guía a través de la Asociación para la Reducción de Costo Solar de Nueva Inglaterra, un proyecto bajo el nombre de “SunShot” del Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos, y el desafío llamado “Rooftop Solar Challenge II”.

New York Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Financing: Loans, Leases, and PPAs

September 1, 2016

This guide is designed to help homeowners make informed decisions about financing solar. It is a state-specific version of CESA’s 2015 report, A Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Financing: Leases, Loans and PPAs.

A Massachusetts Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Leases, Loans, and Power Purchase Agreements

December 1, 2015

This guide is designed to help homeowners make informed decisions about financing solar. It is a state-specific version of CESA’s 2015 report, “A Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Financing: Leases, Loans and PPAs.”

A New Mexico Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Leases, Loans, and Power Purchase Agreements

July 1, 2015

This guide is designed to help homeowners make informed decisions about financing solar. It is a state-specific version of CESA’s 2015 report, “A Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Financing: Leases, Loans and PPAs.”