Resource Archive - Energy Storage


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Closing the California Clean Energy Divide: Reducing Electric Bills in Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing with Solar+Storage

May 19, 2016

This economic analysis indicates that pairing solar PV with battery storage systems can deliver significant electricity bill savings for California affordable housing residents and property owners.

Resilience for Free: How Solar+Storage Could Protect Multifamily Affordable Housing from Power Outages at Little or No Net Cost

October 14, 2015

The report concludes that with the right market structures and incentives, solar+storage systems can provide a positive economic return on par with energy efficiency or stand-alone solar.

Clean Energy Champions – The Importance of State Programs and Policies

June 22, 2015

This report provides the first-ever comprehensive look at the ways in which states are advancing clean energy and suggests how to further encourage growth.

CESA State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards – Outstanding Programs Found Here

November 19, 2014

This report presents case studies of the eight recipients of the 2014 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards.

Case Study: Connecticut Department of Energy and Environment Microgrid Project

November 1, 2014

This case study presents the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environment (CTDEEP)’s Microgrid Program.

Financing for Clean, Resilient Power Solutions

October 30, 2014

The paper describes financing tools that can be used to implement projects and that will attract private capital on highly favorable terms, thereby reducing the cost of solar and resilient power installations.

Clean Energy for Resilient Communities: Expanding Solar Generation in Baltimore’s Low-Income Neighborhoods

February 12, 2014

In the first blueprint of how a city could become more “power resilient,” this report shows how Baltimore and other cities could use clean energy to create a more reliable electric system that protects vulnerable citizens during power blackouts.

Using State RPSs to Promote Resilient Power at Critical Infrastructure Facilities

May 30, 2013

RPS Report on RPS and Resilient Power.