Resource Archive - Renewable Portfolio Standards


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Observations on State and Federal Interaction with Respect to Renewable Portfolio Standards

January 1, 2009

Over the last three years, a regional collaborative of state RPS program managers from the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region has been exploring how to support successful design and implementation of state RPS programs. The Collaborative has prepared the following observations regarding the appropriate interaction between any federal RPS that might be adopted by Congress and state RPS programs.

Best Practices for Effective Renewable Energy Credit Programs A Report to the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association

December 1, 2008

This report provides CESA’s recommendations on “best practices” for REC trading, based on the experience and program elements of existing state RPS laws.

Progress Report: Review of State Renewable Portfolio Standard Programs in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions

December 1, 2008

This report serves to review the progress to date of the states in the region in meeting their RPS objectives, to identify early successes and challenges, and to offer recommendations for future success.

CESA State RPS Policy Report: Increasing Coordination and Uniformity Among State Renewable Portfolio Standards

December 1, 2008

This analysis seeks to examine and evaluate mechanisms and approaches to increase harmonization and/or coordination among state RPS programs as well as the merits and challenges they present.

Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States Collaborative on RPS Implementation – Model Resource Eligibility Definitions

September 1, 2007

The members of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States Collaborative on RPS Implementation have developed this set of model RPS resource eligibility definitions for states to consider as RPS programs evolve and mature.