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CESA Comments to FERC on Generator Interconnection Procedures

October 17, 2022

CESA filed comments with FERC related to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Docket No. RM22-14-000, called “Improvements to Generator Interconnection Procedures and Agreements.”

CESA Comments to FERC on Regional Transmission Planning

August 18, 2022

CESA filed comments with FERC related to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Docket No. RM21-17-000, called “Building for the Future Through Electric Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation and Generator Interconnection.”

The Governance of Wholesale Power Markets

October 27, 2021

Wholesale power markets are core to the functioning of the US electricity system and to the transition to 100% clean energy. Yet their design and operations can be difficult to influence, or even track, due to complicated structures and processes, extensive regulations, and highly technical jargon. This paper is intended to shed some light on how power markets are governed.

Advice for States on 100% Clean Energy Planning: The Process for Producing a Plan

October 27, 2021

To successfully achieve a 100% clean energy goal, a state will need to develop and implement a sound plan of action. This paper provides advice for states on the planning process, the organization of a plan, and the presentation of results.

How Wholesale Power Markets Work

August 19, 2021

The transition to a 100% clean electric supply will likely involve a very large amount of wind and solar power generation. These resources, with very low operating costs, fit poorly in wholesale electricity markets premised on the marginal cost of production—mostly fuel costs. To understand how this might play out, this white paper explores how power markets work today.

Guide to 100% Clean Energy States

August 19, 2021

This guide provides state officials and other stakeholders with information about the 18 states (plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) that have adopted 100% clean energy goals. It includes information about the plans and other implementation reports that some of those states have produced.

Advancing Toward 100 Percent: State Policies, Programs, and Plans for Zero-Carbon Electricity

April 2, 2021

This report identifies the states’ specific 100 percent commitments, describes ways in which they are planning to achieve their goals, and highlights some of the initial plans they have developed.