Solar For All List of Programmatic Functions

Vero Bourg-Meyer | Clean Energy States Alliance

This document is a comprehensive list of the functions needed to design and deploy a low- and moderate-income solar program as part of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar for All competition. This list can help states:

(a) Clarify which functions are needed and which are not for each program/sector,
(b) Evaluate which functions to keep in-house vs. procure externally, and
(c) Negotiate with EPA with a clearer understanding of next steps.

This list is being shared as a Word document so that states and other Solar for All awardees can download and modify it as they see fit. It includes guiding questions to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of keeping a programmatic function in-house vs. procuring it externally.

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Date: April 9, 2024
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