Shaking Up the Residential PV Markets: Implications of Recent Changes to the ITC
Mark Bolinger, Galen Barbose, and Ryan Wiser (Berkeley Lab) for CESA
This 12-page report examines the implications of changes to the residential solar ITC. The report takes a fresh look at the revised credits, specifically Section 25D residential credit, and focuses on four areas in which the removal of the $2000 cap on residential ITC will have significant impact. These 4 areas include: financial implications, subsidized energy financing’s role, taxable and non-taxable rebates, and third-party financing. This paper is part of a series of clean energy fund case studies prepared by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Clean Energy States Alliance. The primary purpose of this case study series is to report on the innovative programs and administrative practices of state (and some international) clean energy funds, to highlight additional sources of information, and to identify contacts. Our hope is that these case studies will be useful for clean energy funds and other stakeholders that are interested in learning about the pioneering renewable energy efforts of clean energy funds.