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State Leadership in Clean Energy (SLICE) - Webinars & Events
There are no upcoming State Leadership in Clean Energy webinars or events.
This webinar highlighted two winning programs from CESA’s 2014 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards: The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP)’s Microgrid Program, and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)’s CHP Acceleration Program. Guest speakers included Dana Levy of NYSERDA, and Veronica Szczerkowski and Tracy Babbidge of CTDEEP.
This webinar will highlight two winning programs from CESA’s 2014 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards: Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s Clean Energy Internship Program, and New Mexico Energy Conservation and Management Division’s Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit. In two very different ways, both Massachusetts and New Mexico’s programs have worked to accelerate renewable energy market growth in their state.
CESA Fall Membership Meeting
This webinar, hosted by the Clean Energy States Alliance, featured presentations by the Energy Trust of Oregon, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, and Connecticut’s Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority (CEFIA).
This webinar will review two State Leadership in Clean Energy Award winning solar programs from Massachusetts and Connecticut.
This webinar featured a presentation by the California Energy Commission on the UCSD Microgrid and Synchorphasor R&D Programs. These programs were recipients of the 2012 State Leadership in Clean Energy (SLICE) Awards.
This webinar will highlight details of one of the 2012 State Leadership in Clean Energy Award winning programs, the New Hampshire PUC’s Residential Wood-Pellet Boiler Rebate Program, and will focus on woody biomass heating technologies, and environmental impacts.
CESA will present this webinar to highlight the two award winning programs from NYSERDA.
CESA Fall Meeting – Albany, NY – Oct. 22-23rd!
CESA’s Spring 2012 Members Meeting took place in Portland, Oregon. This members-only conference included presentations by clean energy experts and plenty of opportunity for CESA members to network and collaborate on shared challenges and experiences.
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