Scaling Up Solar for Under-Resourced Communities - Webinars & Events


Community-Led Solar in Boston: Lessons Learned from a Pilot Project

August 13, 2024

In this webinar, guest speakers from Energy Allies and the Boston Community Solar Cooperative (BCSC) will discuss their adaptable model for community-led solar. The BCSC grew out of a grassroots coalition of individuals, businesses and nonprofits organizing for an equitable transition to a clean energy economy in Boston’s Environmental Justice Communities. Energy Allies supported the formation of BCSC as a community-led, community-benefiting organization.


The Impact of Policies and Business Models on Income Equity in Rooftop Solar Adoption

December 3, 2020

New research by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory finds evidence that LMI-specific financial incentives, solar leasing, and property-assessed financing have increased the diffusion of solar adoption among LMI households in existing markets and have driven more installations into previously under-served low-income communities.

Financing Resilient Power in Underserved Communities: Moving Forward with Distributed Solar+Storage Projects

October 20, 2020

Resilient solar+storage projects are increasingly being pursued in low- and moderate-income communities in response to a combination of falling costs, new revenue opportunities and incentive programs, and innovative financing solutions. This webinar explored the economics of distributed solar+storage projects, characteristics of current projects, financing solutions, incentives, and technical assistance resources.

Financing Resilient Power in Under-Resourced Communities: A Foundation’s Comprehensive Financing Initiative for Solar+Storage Projects

January 28, 2020

Financing Resilient Power is a new, groundbreaking philanthropic effort—a $3.3 million initiative of The Kresge Foundation to accelerate the market development of solar+storage technologies in historically underserved communities.