Scaling Up Solar for Under-Resourced Communities - Resources

National Database of Community and Renewable Energy Organizations (Map)

October 20, 2023

CESA compiled this database of over 400 community-oriented organizations with a focus on or interest in clean energy at the local level, especially for low-income and disadvantaged communities. The database especially emphasizes groups that seek to advance solar energy and environmental justice.

Solar for Manufactured Homes: An Assessment of the Opportunities and Challenges in 14 States

September 26, 2023

Manufactured homes, formerly referred to as mobile homes, comprise over 6 percent of America’s housing stock and represent an even larger share of housing for low- and moderate-income households. CESA has published an update to the “Solar for Manufactured Homes” report discussing potential funding opportunities through the Inflation Reduction Act.

Low- and Moderate-Income Solar Lease Consumer Disclosure Form Template

September 12, 2023

This Low- and Moderate-Income (LMI) solar lease template consumer disclosure form offers an example that states and other stakeholders can use to ensure that LMI customers participating in state programs designed to broaden solar access receive the information they need to understand their solar contracts. This template is meant to be used as a starting point for states building solar lease (or PPA) programs.

Multifamily Affordable Housing Solar and Solar+Storage: Solar for All Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Program Design Options for States

August 30, 2023

This guide offers simple options for states to add Multifamily Affordable Housing (MFAH) solar and/or solar+storage to their application to the $7 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) Solar for All competition (Solar for All) and take advantage of the new tax credit features of the Inflation reduction Act.

Community Solar for Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities: Solar for All Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Program Design Options for States

August 1, 2023

This document offers insights into how states can design and launch community solar programs that benefit disadvantaged communities and low- and moderate-income households using the $7 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar for All competition and take advantage of new tax credits features available under the Inflation Reduction Act.

LMI Community Solar Resource Database

July 14, 2023

This database was developed as a resource hub for state agencies that are working to develop and implement community solar programs for low- and moderate-income (LMI) households.

Single-Family Home LMI Solar Program Request for Proposals Template: A Solar for All-Compliant Solar Program Design for States

July 7, 2023

To facilitate the design and launch of LMI single-family homes program by states and to leverage existing funding opportunities from the IRA, CESA produced a template RFP to select on or more solar developers to deliver a solar program to disadvantaged communities and low-income households.

Single-Family Home LMI Solar Program – Program Design Guidance: A Solar for All Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund-Compliant Solar Program Design for States

July 7, 2023

To facilitate the design and launch of LMI solar programs by states and to leverage existing funding opportunities from the IRA, CESA produced this guidance note along with a standard RFP that can be used by states and other relevant stakeholders to design and launch Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund-compliant LMI programs in their state.

Low-Income Communities Bonus Energy Investment Credit Program: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

June 15, 2023

On June 1, 2023, the IRS issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) regarding the low-income communities bonus energy investment credit program (the LMI Adder) under the Inflation Reduction Act. This document first provides a high-level summary of what the NOPR covers, followed by a more in-depth review of the NOPR in the form of an FAQ.

Comments on the Solar for All Competition of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

May 9, 2023

CESA submitted comments to the EPA regarding the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Implementation Framework, authorized under the IRA. The comments chiefly pertain to the Solar for All Competition but also relate to some of the requirements set under the GGRF Framework applicable to all three competitions.