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Offshore Wind Accelerator - Webinars & Events


There are no upcoming Offshore Wind Accelerator webinars or events.


The Market Value of Offshore Wind on the U.S. East Coast

May 4, 2018

A new study by Berkeley Lab finds that the market value of offshore wind varies significantly along the U.S. East Coast, depending on the time-varying wind resource profile at a given site, as well as local pricing and market rules within the regional power market.

U.S. Job Creation in Offshore Wind

December 7, 2017

A new report quantifies the job impacts of offshore wind development off the U.S. Northeast from Maine to Maryland. In this webinar, report author Alun Roberts from BVG Associates discussed the study’s methodology and detailed findings.

Opportunities and Barriers Shaping the Offshore Wind Market in the Northeastern U.S.

November 20, 2017

In this webinar, representatives from a multi-state collaborative will discuss their new report on opportunities and barriers shaping the Northeast offshore wind market, and the model they used to develop two regional deployment trajectories for offshore wind generation by 2030.

The Case for Building a U.S. Offshore Wind Vessel + Other Opportunities for the U.S. O&G Sector in Offshore Wind

June 6, 2017

In this webinar, Renewable Energy World chief editor Jennifer Runyon highlighted some of the new commercial opportunities for the O&G sector, including shipbuilding, substructures, and a strong national supply-chain and workforce. Brian Cheater from GustoMSC discussed the vessel study commissioned by the Northeast Multi-State Offshore Wind group.

Federal Marine Spatial Planning: West Coast Update

February 2, 2017

In this webinar, panelists discussed the West Coast Regional Planning Body’s efforts to prepare a marine spatial plan to guide offshore renewable energy development in the region.

Northeast Ocean Planning and Offshore Wind

October 20, 2016

This webinar, hosted by Clean Energy Group for the Northeast Wind Resource Center, highlights the Northeast Ocean Plan and Rhode Island’s Ocean Special Area Management Plan and the public processes leading to comprehensive ocean management regulations that protect ocean resources and activities.

NWRC Webinar: Training a Domestic Skilled Workforce to Support the Development of a US Offshore Wind Industry

December 11, 2014

This webinar, presented by the Northeast Wind Resource Center (NWRC), features a discussion on the standards and skills needed to prepare US workers to meet the needs of the emerging offshore wind industry. Panelists include Earl Walker of Siemens Energy, and Megan Amsler of Self-Reliance Corporation/ North Atlantic Offshore Training and Development Center.

OWAP Webinar: Maine Offshore Wind Milestones

March 6, 2014

Please join us for an update on the milestones the University of Maine’s pilot-scale and demonstration offshore wind projects have achieved in the last few months and the University’s next steps as it works on securing power purchase agreements and awaits a funding decision from the U.S. Department of Energy for its demonstration project off of Monhegan Island. Guest speakers are Jeff Thaler and Habib Dagher from the University of Maine.

OWAP Webinar: Offshore Wind – Lessons from Europe

December 19, 2013

Mike Hay (Xodus Group) and Cathryn Hooper (Source Low Carbon) provided an overview of Europe’s offshore wind industry developments and important lessons that the U.S. can take from UK experiences. In addition, the presenters discussed offshore wind siting issues.

OWAP Webinar: Why Offshore Wind in the Southeast?

December 11, 2013

The webinar will present a recap and highlights from the recent Southeastern Coastal Wind Conference in Charleston, SC.