Scaling Up Solar for Under-Resourced Communities
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Solar power is now the cheapest form of power worldwide, but not all households are able to access it. CESA’s Scaling Up Solar is a wide-ranging initiative to help states bring the financial, environmental, economic, and health benefits of solar to all Americans, regardless of income.
The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) Solar for All competition (Solar for All) administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides $7 billion to states to expand solar access to low-income households and disadvantaged communities. Learn more about CESA’s work on Solar for All and access tools and resources here.
Deploying Solar for All funds to communities effectively and efficiently within five years of the EPA awards requires sustained and strategic collaboration across the country. CESA’s Solar for All team is dedicated to actively supporting awardees through a portfolio of activities and resources, coordinated with federal agencies, national labs, and other national nonprofits.
- CESA convenes awardees weekly across the country to exchange on Solar for All and learn from one another, covering wide-ranging topics, from solar program design, e.g., incentive stacking, tax credit optimization, or stakeholder outreach, to regulatory and compliance issues such as Davis Bacon.
- CESA informs awardees through research, template program documentation, and white papers to help them develop effective and efficient Solar for All programs. CESA’s Solar for All mailing list for states and nonprofits also offers periodic updates about new program resources, convenings, and related federal efforts.
- CESA assists awardees through individualized technical assistance and dedicated working groups focused on best practices for program design, development, and implementation.
Learn more, access resources and tools, and engage with CESA here.
In addition to the flagship programs above, the DOE-funded Solar with Justice project aims to explore models for partnerships between states and community-based organizations to advance energy justice. Learn more about Solar with Justice here.
Curated Newsletters and Mailing Lists
CESA maintains several mailing lists relevant to Solar for All. All awardees can join CESA’s awardee-only mailing list. To sign up, email Meghan Monahan. When awardees join, they receive information about CESA and other convenings open only to awardees, news about the Solar for All program or the regulatory environment, and information relevant to LMI solar curated for awardees. To learn more, email Hanna Jones.
Other interested parties can join our list to receive occasional news about the program or CESA’s work. Sign up for this mailing list here.
To receive news and resources from around the country relevant to LMI solar, sign up for the monthly Solar Equity Digest here.
Photo courtesy Resonant Energy.
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