Energy Storage Policy for States
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This project provides support to CESA members engaged in developing energy storage policy, programs and regulation. Activities include knowledge sharing, direct policy support, and independent analysis based on the interests and needs of CESA members. The project leverages other CESA and CEG efforts, including ESTAP and CEG’s Resilient Power Project.
Knowledge sharing includes policy best practices, results from existing state programs, regulatory and market issues, technology and industry updates, and exploration of the connections between energy storage and other state policy objectives, such as renewable integration and 100% clean energy goals, reduced emissions and clean peak goals, resiliency and home health needs, and energy equity goals. Knowledge sharing activities include CESA webinars, reports and other published material, and conference presentations, as well as knowledge sharing between CESA members. CESA plays a convening role as needed to facilitate these peer-to-peer exchanges between members.
Direct policy support is offered on an as-needed basis to members engaged in program, policy and regulatory development, and depends on CESA bandwidth. This support may include review and input on policies, regulations or programs under development; comments on RFPs, straw proposals and other documents in development; filings in open proceedings; participation in working groups, consortia and other bodies; and presentations to energy storage committees, legislative bodies or regulators.
Independent third-party analysis is conducted on energy storage policy, economics, markets and other topics of interest to state regulators and policymakers, as needed and depending on CESA bandwidth. Topics have included storage in energy efficiency plans, program design for peak demand management, storage for winter peaking and peaker replacement, solar+storage for affordable housing and underserved communities, equity considerations in program design, and policy recommendations for states.
Contact Todd Olinsky-Paul for more information.
Photo courtesy Portland General Electric.