100% Clean Energy Collaborative - Webinars & Events


There are no upcoming 100% Clean Energy Collaborative webinars or events.


Should a Carbon Tax Be Part of the Strategy for Achieving 100% Clean Energy?

November 18, 2020

This webinar will explore how a carbon tax could feature in state and national efforts to advance clean energy. Gilbert Metcalf will explain why economists believe a carbon tax can be an effective, efficient, and fair policy for addressing climate change.

Power After Carbon: Findings and Insights for State Policymakers

September 9, 2020

This webinar will focus on recommendations for state policymakers who are considering strategies for moving towards 100% clean energy for their state’s electricity sector.

New Jersey’s Plan for Achieving 100% Carbon-Neutral Electricity

July 29, 2020

Guest speakers discussed details of the “2019 New Jersey Energy Master Plan: Pathway to 2050,” including the strategies for reaching 100% clean energy, and described the process the state used for producing the master plan.

The 2035 Report: How Low Costs Can Accelerate Our Clean Energy Future

June 16, 2020

According to a new report from the University of California, Berkeley and GridLab, the United States can reliably deliver 90% clean, carbon-free electricity nationwide by 2035 using existing technology, without increasing consumer bills, and without the need for new fossil fuel plants.

Decarbonizing Electricity: The Critical Role of Firm Low-Carbon Resources

May 15, 2020

This will be the first 100% Clean Energy Collaborative webinar highlighting the findings and perspectives of leading analysts focused on achieving 100% clean energy.

100% Clean Energy States and the 100% Clean Energy Collaborative

May 11, 2020

This webinar provided an overview of the goals and activities that 14 states plus the District of Columbia have undertaken to achieve 100% clean electricity.

Recent RPS Studies: Maine and Maryland

April 15, 2020

This webinar described two recent studies that examined the renewable portfolio standards in Maine and Maryland. Authors of the studies presented their key findings and discussed the implications.