Blog Archive - CESA Staff
NYSERDA’s Clean Energy Communities Program Provides Funding and Technical Assistance to Support Local Clean Energy Development
NYSERDA’s Clean Energy Communities program helps local governments earn recognition and grant funding to demonstrate their clean energy leadership and to implement clean energy actions, save energy costs, create jobs, and improve the environment.
Oregon’s Renewable Energy Development Grant Program: Using Tax Credits to Leverage Private Investment
The Oregon Department of Energy’s Renewable Energy Development Grant Program promotes investment in and development of renewable energy projects by providing a grant up to $250,000 for businesses, organizations, public bodies, schools, nonprofits, and tribes that install and operate a renewable energy system that produces electric energy.
Exemplary State Programs Continue Progress in Clean Energy with New Technologies and Markets
The winners of CESA’s 2018 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards continue a tradition of innovation and practical solutions.
The Connecticut Green Bank: Innovation in Finance Sparks New Model for Public/Private Investment in Clean Energy
The Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation announced in July that the Connecticut Green Bank had won this year’s Innovations in American Government Award.
How One Small US Town Will Save Millions with a Microgrid
Sterling, Massachusetts is demoing grid 2.0 with a multi-million-dollar investment that will pay for itself in just two years.
Small Community Saves Big with Energy Storage
The little town of Sterling, MA is getting a lot of attention these days. Not only has the Sterling Municipal Light Department won awards for its new solar+storage microgrid, the town is getting visitors from Germany, Japan, Norway and many other countries.
Bringing the Benefits of Solar+Storage to Low-Income Communities: A Guide for States and Municipalities
The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) has published a new report to help state and municipal energy agencies support the development of solar+storage in LMI communities.
Solar Insights from the 2016 RPS Summit
CESA’s annual RPS Summit included over 100 people with a wide range of interests and perspectives on RPSs for an invigorating and educational two days of presentations, panels, group discussions and networking.
The States’ Role in Providing Solar Information to Consumers
State governments have an increasingly important obligation and opportunity to present the public with sound, unbiased, user-friendly information on solar energy systems and financing options.
Sterling, Massachusetts Breaks Ground on a Resilient Energy Storage System
The town of Sterling, Massachusetts will celebrate its Municipal Light Department’s new energy storage system with a groundbreaking ceremony next week.
Browse by Project
- IRA & BIL Implementation
- 100% Clean Energy Collaborative
- Building Decarbonization and Clean Heating/Cooling
- Energy Storage Policy for States
- Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership
- Interstate Turbine Advisory Council
- Low- and Moderate-Income Clean Energy
- New England Solar Cost-Reduction Partnership
- Offshore Wind
- Renewable Portfolio Standards
- Scaling-Up Solar for Under-Resourced Communities
- Solar with Justice: Connecting States and Communities
- State Energy Strategies Project
- State Leadership in Clean Energy
- Sustainable Solar Education Project