Blog Archive - CESA Staff
Solar with Justice Webinar Series
The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) has published a new report on bringing solar to under-resourced communities. The report, Solar with Justice: Strategies for Powering Up Under-Resourced Communities and Growing an Inclusive Solar Economy[resource-library/resource/solar-with-justice] was produced in partnership with the Jackson State University Department of Urban & Regional Planning, the Partnership for Southern Equity, PaulosAnalysis, the University of Michigan School for Environment & Sustainability, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, and The Solutions Project. More than 90 policymakers, community group leaders, solar experts, and energy equity advocates were interviewed as part of the research for the report.
A Message from CESA’s Executive Director
Have you found the webinars and publications of the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) to be useful and interesting?
Clean Energy States Alliance Launches Major Initiative to Advance Solar in Under-Resourced Communities
US Department of Energy Funds CESA’s Efforts to Scale Up Solar for Low-and Moderate-Income Households
FERC Upholds Order Opening Markets to Energy Storage
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) voted this week to uphold its landmark Order 841, which states that the nation’s electric grid operators (RTOs and ISOs) must allow energy storage resources fair and equal access to provide services in regional wholesale energy markets. The order is anticipated to provide important new market opportunities to energy…
Energy Storage Is the New Efficiency
When Massachusetts took the nation-leading step of integrating energy storage into its energy efficiency plan this year, it didn’t just add a new technology. It consummated a decade-long, slow-motion embrace of an important new form of efficiency. Up until now, efficiency in the electricity sector has meant using fewer electrons. This is a good and…
Massachusetts becomes first in the nation to make battery storage eligible for energy efficiency incentives
Energy storage has been the coming thing for years. Now, it’s arrived – as an efficiency measure. At the end of January, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) approved the state’s new three-year energy efficiency plan. For the first time, and with analytical support from CEG, it includes behind-the-meter battery storage. There’s a lot…
Block Island Offshore Wind Farm Set the Stage for Further Clean Energy Development
In December 2016, Rhode Island became home to North America’s first offshore wind farm with the successful installation and operation of the 30 MW Block Island Wind Farm.
Advancing Energy Storage Technologies to Meet Clean Energy Goals in Massachusetts
Massachusetts’ Advancing Commonwealth Energy Storage (ACES) grant program was created to jump-start the energy storage industry by piloting innovative, broadly-replicable demonstration projects with multiple value streams, thereby priming Massachusetts for increased commercialization and deployment.
The MPRB Solar Demonstration Project: A Unique Collaboration Brings Solar to Diverse Communities
The MPRB Solar Demonstration Project, supported by Xcel’s Energy Renewable Energy Development Fund, installed 200 kW of solar PV in the Minneapolis parks system to model the incorporation of renewable energy into public amenities.
Connecticut Green Bank and PosiGen “Solar for All” Partnership – Bringing the Benefits of Clean Energy to LMI Communities
Connecticut’s Solar for All program addresses many of the key barriers to going solar for low-and-moderate income communities and households, including access to financing, real and perceived credit-quality issues, inability to fully realize public incentives, education gaps, and contractors’ customer acquisition strategies.
Browse by Project
- IRA & BIL Implementation
- 100% Clean Energy Collaborative
- Building Decarbonization and Clean Heating/Cooling
- Energy Storage Policy for States
- Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership
- Interstate Turbine Advisory Council
- Low- and Moderate-Income Clean Energy
- New England Solar Cost-Reduction Partnership
- Offshore Wind
- Renewable Portfolio Standards
- Scaling-Up Solar for Under-Resourced Communities
- Solar with Justice: Connecting States and Communities
- State Energy Strategies Project
- State Leadership in Clean Energy
- Sustainable Solar Education Project