Blog Archive - CESA Staff
Outstanding Clean Energy Programs from States and Municipalities – What’s Working and Why
The eight recipients of the 2014 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards exemplify the ground-breaking work being done by states and municipalities in the arena of clean energy development and deployment.
State Leadership in Clean Energy: Innovation from Coast to Coast
The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA), a national, nonprofit coalition of public agencies working together to advance clean energy, has announced the recipients of the 2014 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards.
State Efforts at Grid Modernization
Over the past year, we have seen a number of states initiate resilient power and microgrid initiatives. But in addition, a few states have begun a process of revisioning their electric grids.
CESA Releases Residential Solar Group-Purchasing Guide for State Policy Makers
The New England Solar Cost-Reduction Partnership, a coalition of five New England States managed by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA), has produced a new guide for community group purchasing, “Planning and Implementing a Solarize Initiative: A Guide for State Program Managers.”
Solar + Energy Storage = Resilient Power in Vermont
Around the country, a new model is arising to provide clean, reliable, locally generated and locally managed energy: solar power combined with energy storage in the form of batteries.
CESA States Push For Grid Modernization
We in the Northeast have seen firsthand the enormity of the changes wrought by Hurricane Sandy – not only the storm damage itself, but subsequent and longer-lasting changes in state policy addressing resilient power and the electric grids.
Like Federal Renewable Energy Policy, State Policy Is Important and Uncertain
Clean energy advocates have praised the decision in the fiscal cliff legislation to extend important federal energy tax provisions, such as the production tax credit for wind.
New Massachusetts Report Identifies Renewable Thermal Opportunities
For many types of renewable technologies and fuels, producing thermal energy is much more efficient than producing electricity. Yet the vast majority of state Renewable Portfolio Standards address renewable thermal technologies minimally, if at all.
Long Island Solar Farm – How Public/Private/Federal Partnerships Can Make Big Things Happen
In early 2012, the Long Island Solar Farm, located in Upton, NY on Long Island, was given the Renewable Energy World’s “Excellence in Renewable Energy – Reader’s Choice Award.”
New CESA Report – “Designing the Right RPS”
The renewable portfolio standard (RPS) has become the most important policy mechanism for advancing renewable energy in the United States.
Browse by Project
- IRA & BIL Implementation
- 100% Clean Energy Collaborative
- Building Decarbonization and Clean Heating/Cooling
- Energy Storage Policy for States
- Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership
- Interstate Turbine Advisory Council
- Low- and Moderate-Income Clean Energy
- New England Solar Cost-Reduction Partnership
- Offshore Wind
- Renewable Portfolio Standards
- Scaling-Up Solar for Under-Resourced Communities
- Solar with Justice: Connecting States and Communities
- State Energy Strategies Project
- State Leadership in Clean Energy
- Sustainable Solar Education Project