CESA Members

The Clean Energy States Alliance is comprised of Core members as well as Affiliate members.

CESA members — mostly state agencies — include many of the most innovative, successful, and influential public funders of clean energy initiatives in the country. View the Membership page for Core and Affiliate details. CESA members are listed below.

Core Members

California Energy Commission (CEC)

As the state's primary energy policy and planning agency, the California Energy Commission is committed to reducing energy costs and environmental impacts of energy use - such as greenhouse gas emissions - while ensuring a safe, resilient, and reliable supply of energy.

Colorado Energy Office

The Colorado Energy Office works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and consumer energy costs by advancing clean energy, energy efficiency and zero emission vehicles to benefit all Coloradans.

Connecticut Green Bank

The Connecticut Green Bank is the nation’s first green bank. It is creating a thriving marketplace to accelerate green energy adoption in Connecticut by making green energy financing accessible and affordable for homeowners, businesses and institutions.

Department of Energy & Environment (DoEE) - D.C.

DoEE is the leading authority on energy and environmental issues affecting the District of Columbia. Using a combination of regulations, outreach, education, and incentives, this agency administers programs and services to fulfill our mission.

Energy Trust of Oregon

Energy Trust is a mission-based organization collaborating with utilities, nonprofits and government agencies to deliver significant clean energy benefits for Oregon. Energy Trust helps Oregon residential, business and nonprofit utility ratepayers use less energy, save on energy costs and move to renewable resources.

Illinois Power Agency (IPA)

IPA oversees the electricity planning and procurement processes for residential and small commercial customers of Ameren and ComEd. It assists with achieving a diverse supply portfolio for the State that includes renewable resources, energy efficiency, demand response measures and advanced clean coal technologies. IPA also administers the Renewable Energy Resources Fund.

Maine Governor's Energy Office

The Governor's Energy Office is the state’s designated energy office that develops policy, provides technical assistance, coordinates with state agencies and works collaboratively to advance clean, economical and secure energy initiatives for the state.

Maryland Energy Administration (MEA)

MEA's mission is to promote affordable, reliable and cleaner energy that benefit all Marylanders. Its programs and policies help lower energy bills, support business energy upgrades, support a cleaner environment and promote energy independence for Maryland.

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)

MassCEC is a publicly-funded agency dedicated to accelerating the success of clean energy technologies, companies and projects in the Commonwealth—while creating high-quality jobs and long-term economic growth for the people of Massachusetts.

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is committed to promoting healthy communities, economic growth, and environmental sustainability through Energy Waste Reduction and Renewable Energy.

Minnesota Department of Commerce

The Department of Commerce provides information and assistance related to various forms of energy technologies. The Department of Commerce also provides objective analysis and technical assistance to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.

New Hampshire Department of Energy

The Department of Energy was established effective July 1, 2021. It was created by the NH legislature to promote and coordinate energy policies and programs in the state.

New Jersey's Clean Energy Program

New Jersey's Clean Energy Program is a statewide program that offers financial incentives, programs and services for New Jersey residents, business owners and local governments to help them save energy, money and the environment.

New Mexico State Energy Office - Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECAM)

ECAM develops and implements effective clean energy programs — renewable energy, energy efficiency, alternative fuels, and safe transportation of radioactive waste — to promote economic growth, environmental sustainability, and wise stewardship of our natural resources while protecting public health and safety for New Mexico and its citizens.

New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA)

NYSERDA, a public benefit corporation, offers objective information and analysis, innovative programs, technical expertise, and support to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources

The Office of Energy Resources (OER) is Rhode Island’s lead state agency on energy policy and programs. OER's mission is to lead Rhode Island to a secure, cost-effective, and sustainable energy future.

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)

SMUD is Sacramento's community-owned, not-for-profit electric service, delivering on the promise of public power since 1946. SMUD is a long-time industry leader in renewable energy.

Vermont Department of Public Service

The mission of the Vermont Public Service Department is to serve all citizens of Vermont through public advocacy, planning, programs, and other actions that meet the public's need for least cost, environmentally sound, efficient, reliable, secure, sustainable, and safe energy, telecommunications, and regulated utility systems in the state.

Virginia Department of Energy

The Virginia Department of Energy aims to enhance the development and conservation of energy and mineral resources in a safe and environmentally sound manner in order to support a more productive economy.

Washington Department of Commerce - State Energy Office

The Washington State Energy Office is a vital resource for delivering energy benefits, addressing state energy goals, and coordinating energy-related emergency preparedness in the state. The State Energy Office provides energy policy support, analysis, and information for the Governor, Legislature, Commerce, and others.

Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation

The Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation (OEI) assists businesses, local governments and citizens by promoting and investing in clean energy projects that are cost-effective, balanced, reliable and environmentally responsible. As part of its work, the OEI administers the State Energy Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Affiliate Members