Resilient Solar+Storage Training: Introducing a Free Course for Community-Serving Facilities
Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
Inclusiv and the Center for Impact Finance (CIF) at the University of New Hampshire have launched a new resilient solar and storage training course for building owners and managers. The Resilient Solar+Storage training is a self-paced course for building owners and community groups seeking to ensure a resilient, reliable, and renewable supply of electricity for their facilities. The course focuses on resilient solar+storage for community-serving facilities (such as community centers, schools, health centers, etc.), but the information is useful for all types of buildings. This 5-6 houre course is free and open to all on a rolling basis. A Spanish-language version of the training will be available soon.
In this webinar, course contributors provided an overview of the training materials and course content, which includes the basics of solar+storage, evaluating a potential project, exploring financing and ownership options, and working with project development partners. Clean Energy Group contributed content to the course and has made some of the materials available on its website.
- Nik Kroushl, Training Program Officer, Center for Resiliency and Clean Energy, Inclusiv
- Eric Hangen, Director of Climate Finance, Center for Impact Finance at University of New Hampshire
- Chris Keast, Technical Consultant
- Becky Regan, Chief Executive Officer, Capital Link
- Seth Mullendore, President and Executive Director, Clean Energy Group (Moderator)
Year: 2025
Topic(s): Energy Storage, Resilient Power, Solar PV
Organizer: Clean Energy States Alliance