National Energy Summit for States: Navigating Energy Trends and Federal Programs
Wednesday, May 28, 2025 to Thursday, May 29, 2025
Mark your calendars for a National Energy Summit for States, that will bring together state and federal government leaders and program staff who are working to implement energy programs, and provide unparalleled opportunities for information sharing, networking, and practical advice.
When: May 28-29, 2025
Where: Kellogg Conference Hotel, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC
Who Should Attend: Only state and federal government policymakers, regulators, and program staff are eligible to attend.
Fees: Attendance is free for state and federal government employees; lunches and an evening reception/dinner during the Summit will be provided.
The Summit will be discussion-heavy so that attendees can learn from each other about states’ energy plans, programs, and lessons learned.
Participants at the Summit will:
- Engage with state officials working to implement energy programs across the country
- Hear from and interact with federal officials, national laboratories, nonprofits, and stakeholders who are administering and supporting federal energy priorities
- Explore resources for state implementation of federal initiatives and regulatory practices
- Learn about innovative state-level energy programs
Session Topics will include:
- Actions States Can Take to Address Load Growth
- Distributed Energy Resources
- Energy Storage
- Facilitating Community Engagement in Project Development
- Geothermal Opportunities
- Home Energy Rebates
- How Grid Operators Manage the Grid
- Load Growth: What States Need to Know
- Meaningful Household Savings from Solar
- Navigating Energy Siting
- Nuclear Power and the States
- Overview of Energy Tax Credits
- State-Tribal Collaboration
- The Art of Stacking
- Transmission
- Working with FERC: How and Why
There will also be opportunities to receive one-on-one technical assistance from expert TA providers. In addition, states will be able to present their programs and innovations in poster sessions.
Travel assistance: Travel support will be available for one delegate from each state, but multiple participants are encouraged to attend from a state. The delegate will receive reimbursement for two nights’ room at the conference hotel, plus travel expenses (up to $450 for individuals within 750 miles of DC, or up to $650 for individuals coming from further away).
Organizers: The Summit is being organized by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC).
Questions? Write to [email protected]
Year: 2025
Topic(s): Policy
Organizer: Clean Energy States Alliance