Webinar & Events - 2024

Micro-Financing and Locally Led Development: A Scalable Model for Resilient Power in Rural Communities

May 16, 2024

This webinar featured the Solar Village Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing solar+storage to schools, clinics and homes in rural India and Puerto Rico, helping with health, education, and home life as well as climate change.

Batteries 101, Part 1: An Introduction to Energy Storage and Massachusetts’ Battery Storage Programs and Policies

May 15, 2024

In a special, Massachusetts-focused webinar series by CEG and CESA, experts will answer your questions about energy storage. This first webinar in the series will cover battery storage basics and available incentives.

Using LIHEAP and WAP to Expand Low-Income Solar Access

May 9, 2024

NREL’s new report chronicles their efforts to document successful LIHEAP and WAP implementation pathways. In this CESA webinar, report authors discussed their findings and explored effective ways that WAP and LIHEAP state agencies can bring solar to their clients.

Equity Strategies for LA’s 100% Clean Energy Transition

May 2, 2024

The LA100 Equity Strategies project provides community-guided, data-driven strategies for increasing equity in LA’s transition to 100% clean energy. Most of the findings and methodologies are relevant to states with similar goals.

Battery Storage for Fossil-Fueled Peaker Power Plant Replacement: A Maine Case Study

April 30, 2024

Speakers from Strategen and CESA discussed a new analysis which shows that battery storage can cost effectively replace aging fossil-fueled peaker power plants in New England.

Prioritizing Equity in Program Development: How to Build a Resilient Power Technical Assistance Fund

April 23, 2024

Over the past 10 years, CEG’s Technical Assistance Fund has supported over 175 communities in their quest for resilient power. In this webinar, CEG staff discussed how to establish an effective and equitable technical assistance program.

IRA, BIL, and the Future of Energy: A Summit to Support State Implementation

April 17, 2024

The Summit will provide state and federal officials with practical information related to IRA/BIL funding programs and the challenges that are confronting states. It will be discussion-heavy so that attendees can learn from each other about their plans, programs, and lessons learned.  

Building Equitable Practices & Programs: A Conversation with Energy Equity Leaders

April 5, 2024

This CESA webinar featured a fireside chat with energy equity experts to discuss best practices for states to responsibly engage with communities as they develop and implement clean energy programs.

Energy Storage and Offshore Wind: Unlocking a Critical Piece of the Clean Energy Puzzle

March 15, 2024

In this CESA webinar, panelists will discuss the economic, technology, and policy considerations of pairing energy storage with offshore wind.

Peer Influence in Residential Solar Adoption: New Research from Berkeley Lab

March 6, 2024

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has released two reports that highlight the influence of both residential and non-residential solar installations on nearby residential solar adoption rates.