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Webinar & Events - Webinar
This webinar explains why some states have included fuel cells in their RPS – both fuel cells that use renewably generated fuels and fuel cells that use natural gas. The webinar explores what a state needs to consider before deciding to include fuel cells, and discusses the reasons why more states are giving increased attention…
The U.S. Offshore Wind Collaborative and Clean Energy States Alliance will host a webinar for the purpose of briefing participants on the comprehensive offshore wind ecological studies project, conducted by the New Jersey Department of the Environment.
This webinar will highlight some of the innovative policies and programs being employed across the country by states and utilities to support the rapid acceleration of solar deployment in the U.S. This webinar will provide an overview of a variety of solar incentives and financing approaches, such as feed-in tariffs, solar RECs, and community-based programs for bulk purchases. Mark Sinclair, CESA Executive Director, will be the host. There will be time alotted for Q&A for the participants.
This hour-long call focused on the use of fuel cells by supermarkets. We heard about the experiences supermarkets have had using stationary fuel cells in four different states and explored the reasons why supermarkets appear to be an especially attractive venue for fuel cells.
This webinar highlights a new CESA report, entitled “The Commerce Clause and Implications for State Renewable Portfolio Standard Programs.” The report explains the applicability and effect of the interstate commerce clause of the US Constitution on a state’s approach to the design of an RPS. The report also identifies and discusses options available to states for structuring RPS programs in a constitutionally compliant manner. In this webinar, the authors reviewed the key findings from the report.
This webinar introduces the Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP). Through this project, CESA will establish and facilitate a multi-state/federal collaborative initiative to advance cooperation and cost-share contributions to demonstration projects by states, DOE, and private industry to accelerate energy storage project deployment in the U.S.
CESA members and members of CESA’s PV Peer Network are invited to join this webinar, on which Jason Gifford of Sustainable Energy Advantage (SEA) will provide an overview of the tool SEA created for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to allow state public utility commissions and the renewable energy community to assess renewable energy project costs, develop cost-based incentives (e.g., feed-in tariffs), and evaluate the impact of tax incentives or other support structures.
The speakers on this third webinar in the joint U.S. Offshore Wind Collaborative (USOWC) and Clean Energy States Alliance series focusing on building the U.S. offshore wind supply chain will provide an overview of three offshore wind supply chain initiatives within specific regions of the U.S.
DOE/CESA/TTC/States Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Brown Bag Lunch Series Webinar – “Hydrogen Production and Storage for Fuel Cells.” Presentation by Tim Lipman, co-director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center at UC-Berkeley and director of the Department of Energy’s Pacific Region Clean Energy Application Center. Lipman describes the findings of a new white paper, “An Overview of Hydrogen Production and Storage Systems with Renewable Hydrogen Case Studies.”