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Webinar & Events - Webinar
On this webinar, bidders (state entities) and their partners will have access to staff from DOE OE, Sandia National Laboratories, and CESA.
The State-Federal RPS Collaborative is beginning a series of periodic webinars in which RPS administrators report on the current status of their RPS and describe recent developments. This month’s webinar will provide updates on the RPS programs and activities in Arizona and Massachusetts. The focus will be on program elements and developments that may be of interest to other states. The second half of the webinar will provide audience members with an opportunity for questions and discussion. Similar webinars on other states will be held every few months. In the intervening months, other types of webinars will be offered.
This webinar, presented by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) for the State-Federal RPS Collaborative, describes the advantages and disadvantages of the reverse auction approach, and provides advice for state policymakers who may wish to consider using reverse auctions. This webinar gives special attention to California’s Renewable Auction Mechanism.
In this webinar, we will review the federal regulatory landscape for energy storage, specifically FERC Order 755, FERC Order 890 (which directs ISOs/RTOs to develop tariffs, market rules, and control algorithms and to open markets for new technologies that provide ancillary services), and other aspects of FERC treatment of energy storage and how these affect ISOs, energy storage device owners, and energy storage technology manufacturers.
On January 12, 2012, Clean Energy States Alliance will host a webinar to explore the National Laboratories’ support activities for marine hydrokinetic technologies (MHK).
This webinar is designed as a briefing for MHK stakeholders by representatives from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Sandia National Laboratory, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory regarding their major activities and research to support marine energy commercialization and deployment.
This webinar will cover the results of the recently released UNEP SEF Alliance/Climate Bonds Initiative /Irbaris report, “Evaluating Clean Energy Public Finance Mechanisms.” The report evaluates government funding of programs supporting the low-carbon, clean energy economy; it also examines the effectiveness of different types of public finance mechanisms at different stages of the clean energy continuum and how they perform in different environments.
This webinar will explore the role of energy storage in state RPS, including facilitating the integration of an increasingly higher penetration of renewables and the interpretation of energy storage as a generation resource. We will review and highlight examples of state RPS that include energy storage while exploring the benefits of energy storage to an RPS portfolio and the challenges for integrating storage into new and existing RPS programs.
This webinar, presented by CEG/CESA’s Offshore Wind Accelerator Project (OWAP), examines some of the innovative approaches that could be used to advance financing early U.S. offshore wind projects. The webinar looks beyond the immediate challenges of extending the federal production and investment tax credits to explore additional approaches and tools to finance offshore wind projects of scale.