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Webinar & Events - Webinar
Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project hosted authors of the Rocky Mountain Institute’s recent report, “The Economics of Grid Defection,” which looks at areas of the U.S. where solar with battery storage is either currently or imminently at cost parity with grid-purchased electricity, and analyzes the likely impacts on utilities and customers. Panelists include Leia Guccione, Bodhi Rader and James Mandel of the Rocky Mountain Institute.
This webinar will explore the EPA’s proposed rule to regulate carbon dioxide under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act, which potentially impacts states’ renewable energy programs and policies, including renewable portfolio standards (RPSs).
CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) is hosting a two-part webinar series on flow batteries.
This webinar examines a new report by Clean Energy Group and the Council of Development Finance Agencies, which examines Qualified 501(c)(3) bonds as a mechanism for communities with 501(c)(3) organizations seeking to undertake significant clean energy projects.
The Minnesota Department of Commerce Division of Energy Resources is hosting an upcoming webinar on the distributed wind market. CESA’s Project Director Val Stori will give a presentation on best practices in turbine selection and marketing. Other presenters will discuss market developments and the USDA grant application process.
CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Project (ESTAP) is hosting an upcoming webinar on the process of commissioning an energy storage system. Dan Borneo of Sandia National Laboratories and Matt Galland of Sunpower will be presenting.
CESA will offer a webinar focused on programs and projects in Massachusetts and Oregon that convert food waste to energy.
In this webinar, Jim Lazar, Senior Advisor to the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) will discuss 10 low-carbon strategies to address load shape.
The Brookings Institution, Clean Energy Group and the Council of Development Finance Agencies discuss their newly released paper on bond financing for clean energy projects. This webcast is free and open to the public.
Microgrid Technologies- A guide to CHP, Energy Storage, PV and Fuel Cells for Connecticut Municipalities and Other Interested Parties.