Webinar & Events - Webinar

Resilient Power Project Webinar: Energy Storage for Demand Charge Management

June 24, 2015

This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, introduces the concept of energy storage for demand charge management. Guest speakers include Steve Kelley from Green Charge Networks and Mark Johnson from Schneider Electric.

RPS Collaborative Webinar: Using AVERT to Estimate the Emissions Benefits of Clean Energy Policies and Programs

June 1, 2015

The webinar will describe and demonstrate AVERT, a free, open-access tool that allows non-expert users to quantify displaced emissions of CO2, SO2, and NOX, and avoided generation mitigated by state or multi-state programs. Stakeholders and regulators can also use the tool to identify likely units and regions impacted by different efficiency or renewable energy programs.

Resilient Power Project Webinar: New Jersey’s Resilient Energy Storage Awards

May 22, 2015

This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, features Scott Hunter from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities for a discussion on New Jersey’s $3 million Renewable Electric Storage Competitive Solicitation, which has announced awards to 13 solar+storage projects (one also uses a significant amount of wind generation) that will provide resilient power to critical facilities.

RPS Collaborative Webinar: Updates from Connecticut and Wisconsin

May 5, 2015

The webinar will provide updates on the RPS programs and activities in Connecticut and Wisconsin. The focus will be on program elements and developments that may be of interest to other states.

Resilient Power Project Webinar: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Development Plans for the Northeastern States

May 4, 2015

This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, highlights the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT)’s hydrogen and fuel cell roadmaps for Northeastern states. Guest speakers include Joel Rinebold of CCAT, Jennifer Gangi of Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, Kent McCord of Doosan Fuel Cell America, and Kevin Kinnaw of Toyota.

CHP Multi-State Working Group

May 1, 2015

CESA is starting a multi-state collaboration on combined heat and power systems and components. The idea is to create a unified list of pre-approved CHP systems and system components as a way to drive down costs, increase customer satisfaction, accelerate deployment, grow markets and lower risks. This webinar featured a presentation by Dr. Dana Levy about NYSERDA’s CHP acceleration project, which has had some good success with this approach, followed by state-by-state updates from webinar participants.

Clean Energy Group Webinar: The Need for National Collaboration on Distributed Energy Storage

April 16, 2015

Clean Energy Group hosted a webinar discussion on the need for national and international collaboration on distributed energy storage. Clean Energy Group President Lew Milford and Program Associate Seth Mullendore were joined by guest speaker Katherine Hamilton from the Energy Storage Association (ESA).

ESTAP Webinar: Upgrading Distribution Resilience – A DOE-OE Solicitation

April 7, 2015

This webinar, presented by CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), features a presentation on the US Department of Energy’s Resilient Electricity Delivery Infrastructure (REDI) Initiative. Guest speakers include Dr. Imre Gyuk and Dan Ton of the Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (DOE OE), and Ryan Watson of the National Energy Technology Laboratory.

Resilient Power Project Webinar: Resilient Cities: Clean Energy to Power Critical Public and Private Facilities

April 2, 2015

This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, features guest speakers from Baltimore and NYC for a discussion on their efforts to implement resilient power projects. Panelists include Lew Milford and Rob Sanders from Clean Energy Group, Kristin Baja from the City of Baltimore, and Laurie Reilly and Erica Helson from Sustainable CUNY.

Resilient Power Project Webinar: Resilient Power in Schools, featuring Florida and New Jersey

March 31, 2015

This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, features a discussion of two models for providing resilient power to schools serving as public shelters using solar+storage technology. Panelists include Susan Schleith of the University of Central Florida’s Solar Energy Center, John Leeds of the Florida Office of Energy, and Avital Szulc of A.F. Mensah.