Webinar & Events - Webinar

ESTAP Webinar: Energy Storage Market Updates

September 30, 2015

This webinar, presented by CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), is the first in a quarterly series on energy storage market updates. Guest speakers Michael Berlinski, Jacqueline DeRosa and Raj Chintapalli of Customized Energy Solutions presented up-to-date information on the value of electric services markets, such as frequency response and demand response, that energy storage can economically participate in.

CESA Webinar: Federal Residential Tax Credit Eligibility for Community-Shared Solar Panel Owners

September 22, 2015

An August 2015 IRS ruling may open up project opportunities for direct ownership of community-shared solar systems by multiple individuals. CESA is hosting this webinar with Foley Hoag attorneys Adam Wade and Nicola Lemay to discuss the recent IRS ruling and its implications.

CESA Webinar: Federal Residential Tax Credit Eligibility for Community-Shared Solar Panel Owners

September 22, 2015

An August 2015 IRS ruling may open up project opportunities for direct ownership of community-shared solar systems by multiple individuals. CESA is hosting this webinar with Foley Hoag attorneys Adam Wade and Nicola Lemay to discuss the recent IRS ruling and its implications.

ESTAP Webinar: Oregon Department of Energy – Energy Storage Demonstration RFP Information Session

September 14, 2015

With support from US DOE Office of Electricity, Stationary Energy Storage Program, the Oregon Department of Energy will be issuing a request for proposals for electric energy storage demonstration projects. This webinar discussed the objectives of the demonstration, minimum qualifications for a proposal, what is required for a complete proposal, and how the proposals will be evaluated.

Resilient Power Project Webinar: Fuel Cells for Wastewater Treatment Plants

September 9, 2015

This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project and the Northeast Electrochemical Energy Storage Cluster (NEESC), features a discussion on how fuel cells can convert municipal waste challenges into clean energy solutions. Guest speakers include Ken Wicker of Fuel Cell Energy, Inc., Ernest Marquez of the City of Riverside, CA, and Jim Mullins of the Orange County Sanitation District.

Webinar: Electricity Markets and the Economics of Energy Storage

August 27, 2015

This webinar, presented by CESA’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), features a discussion on Clean Energy Group’s report “Energy Storage and Electricity Markets: The Value of Storage to the Power System and the Importance of Electricity Markets in Energy Storage Economics.” Panelists include Seth Mullendore, Project Manager at Clean Energy Group, and Jay Marhoefer, CEO and Founder at Intelligent Generation.

Resilient Power Project Webinar: Load Defection: How Solar+Storage Will Change The World

August 20, 2015

This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, features a discussion with Leia Guccione and Jesse Morris, authors of the Rocky Mountain Institute’s new report, “The Economics of Load Defection.” This report describes what will the grid look like when many customers remain connected, but can increasingly self-supply a large portion of their electricity.

CESA Webinar: Renewable Heating and Cooling Policies for the Commercial Sector

July 16, 2015

Guest speaker Neil Veilleux from Meister Consultants Group discussed their recent paper, “Waking the Sleeping Giant” — an in-depth look at next generation policy instruments for renewable heating and cooling in commercial buildings.

Resilient Power Project Webinar: Fuel Cells for Electric Supply and Grid Support

July 15, 2015

This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project and the Northeast Electrochemical Energy Storage Cluster (NEESC), features a discussion on 1) how fuel cells are being used to support the electric grid; 2) fuel cell characteristics including ease of siting and emissions reliability; 3) supporting microgrid applications; and 4) policies on both the state and federal level. Guest speakers include Andy Skok and George Berntsen of Fuel Cell Energy Inc., and Bud DeFlaviis of Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association.

Resilient Power Project Webinar: What States Should Do: A Guide to Resilient Power Programs and Policy

July 14, 2015

This webinar, presented by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, introduces Clean Energy Group’s new report on state resilient power policy, and includes a discussion on resilient power efforts going forward in Massachusetts and Oregon. Panelists include Todd Olinsky-Paul of Clean Energy Group, Gerry Bingham of Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, Diane Broad of the Oregon Department of Energy, and Liza Nolan of the New Jersey Energy Resilience Bank.