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Webinar & Events - Webinar
In this webinar, Renewable Energy World chief editor Jennifer Runyon highlighted some of the new commercial opportunities for the O&G sector, including shipbuilding, substructures, and a strong national supply-chain and workforce. Brian Cheater from GustoMSC discussed the vessel study commissioned by the Northeast Multi-State Offshore Wind group.
Because community solar can be made accessible to renters and can include flexible terms, it holds promise for spreading the benefits of solar to low- and moderate-income (LMI) consumers. In this webinar, guest speakers from Solstice and from Alpine Bank presented two financially sustainable models for making community solar more available to LMI consumers.
In this webinar, Andreas Karelas, the Executive Director of RE-volv, and Todd Bluechel, the Vice President of Marketing and Sales at CollectiveSun, presented two models that rely on crowd-funding to enable nonprofits to adopt solar.
In this webinar, guest speaker Andrew Krulewitz will present Geli’s newly released online energy storage and solar+storage design tool, ESyst, and walk through an example of how the free tool can be used to optimize electric bill savings for an actual affordable housing property.
CESA has produced a guide for state and municipal officials on bringing the benefits of solar to low-income consumers. In this webinar, report author Ben Paulos (PaulosAnalysis) provided an overview and addressed questions from the audience.
In this webinar, Lon Huber, Senior Director at Strategen Consulting, discussed the Clean Peak Standard concept and how it might be implemented.
This webinar highlighted the economic case for the 2 MW battery storage project in Sterling, MA. Guest speakers from Sandia National Labs, Sterling Municipal Light Department and the US Department of Energy presented.
The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) is in the process of implementing a new solar incentive program designed to maintain robust growth in the number of solar installations while reducing costs for ratepayers. Learn more about this program in a webinar presentation featuring Kaitlin Kelly, RPS Program Coordinator at DOER.
In this webinar, Clean Energy Group’s project director Seth Mullendore and senior finance director Rob Sanders provided an introduction to the concept of resilient power, and introduced Clean Energy Group’s new Resilient Power Toolkits. These toolkits are a good starting point for anyone interested in developing a resilient solar+storage project in their community.
Guest speakers from Sustainable CUNY, Meister Consultants, and the NYC Mayor’s Office of Sustainability presented NYC’s Resilient Solar Roadmap, a 5-7 year plan for expanding the deployment of solar+storage in NYC, and discussed the city’s energy storage target.