Webinar & Events - Webinar

Principles and Policies for Low and Moderate Income Solar, Part 1

October 6, 2017

This is the first in a two-part webinar course on low and moderate income solar policy and principles. Speakers from CESA and PaulosAnalysis presented.

Energy Storage for Rural Affordable Housing: The McKnight Lane Redevelopment Project

September 27, 2017

This webinar provided operational and economic updates on the McKnight Lane Redevelopment Project, a rural solar+storage affordable housing project that has been in operation since October 2016.

Identifying Potential Markets for Commercial Behind-the-Meter Battery Storage

September 19, 2017

Report authors Joyce McLaren (NREL) and Seth Mullendore (Clean Energy Group) presented the findings of the first comprehensive public analysis detailing the potential size of the commercial behind-the-meter battery storage market in the United States.

U.S. Renewables Portfolio Standards: 2017 Annual Status Report

September 6, 2017

Lead author Galen Barbose presented the key findings of LBNL’s newly released report, “U.S. Renewables Portfolio Standards: 2017 Annual Status Report.”

SolarResilient: A New Tool for Resilient Solar+Storage Design

August 3, 2017

In this webinar, Jessica Tse (San Francisco Department of the Environment) and Russell Carr (Arup) introduced and demonstrated a first-of-its-kind, publicly-available online tool for optimizing the size of solar+storage systems.

RPS Webinar: When Renewable Portfolio Standards Max Out

June 28, 2017

Many state renewable portfolio standard (RPS) policies will reach their peak requirement over the next few years. In this webinar, guest speaker Ed Holt discusses what could happen to state RPSs when they max out, and what options the states have when, and if, they begin to plan for the end of RPS in their states.

Consumer Protections for Community Solar

June 22, 2017

This webinar discussed consumer protection issues that may arise in community solar projects for residential consumers, and the role states play in ensuring appropriate consumer protections.

Solar Risk: How Energy Storage Can Preserve Solar Savings in California Affordable Housing

June 15, 2017

Wayne Waite and Seth Mullendore presented their new report on how energy storage can effectively hedge against proposed changes to California’s solar policies and utility rates that could drastically reduce the value of solar.

Utility-Driven Solar Projects for Low-Income Customers

June 8, 2017

Some utilities have begun developing solar projects specifically to serve low-income customers and underrepresented neighborhoods. This webinar features two utility pilot projects that are installing solar panels on rooftops in low-income neighborhoods.

New York’s Clean Energy Standard

June 7, 2017

In this webinar, guest speakers from NYSERDA explained the Clean Energy Standard and how it will be implemented.