Webinar & Events - Webinar

Renewable Thermal Technologies in the Massachusetts APS

January 24, 2018

Since 2014, the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) has been working on designing rules and regulations for including renewable thermal technologies in the Alternative Portfolio Standard (APS). This webinar featured a presentation on the draft regulations by Samantha Meserve, Renewable Thermal Program Coordinator at DOER.

Members-Only: Energy Storage Basics for State Policymakers: Technology, Policy, Economics, and the State of the Industry

January 18, 2018
This area of the CESA website is protected, the excerpt is not available.

Using Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Funds for Low-Income Solar

January 16, 2018

LIHEAP serves as an emergency bill assistance service, but state LIHEAP administrators have flexibility to use some program funds to reduce long-term dependence on energy assistance. Some argue that these LIHEAP funds should be used for low-income solar.

Using Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Funds for Low-Income Solar

January 11, 2018

Traditionally, the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) focused on increasing energy efficiency for low-income households. As solar costs have declined, interest in using WAP funds for low-income solar deployment has increased.

Federal Court Cases that Could Affect RPSs

December 19, 2017

This webinar examined the implications of recent and pending federal legal cases, including the nuclear zero emission credit cases in Illinois and New York, and the Allco cases in Connecticut.

Follow-Up Discussion on Customer Acquisition for LMI Solar Programs

December 14, 2017

This interactive webinar discussion is a follow-up to two earlier webinars: “Approaches for Involving Low-Income Communities with Solar” (11/30) and “Connecticut’s Low- and Moderate-Income Solar Customer Segmentation Analysis” (12/5).

Energy Storage for Puerto Rico: Modular Solutions for Disaster Recovery

December 12, 2017

Energy storage, combined with solar generation, can provide power to disaster recovery efforts when the grid is down. This webinar featured presentations from organizations implementing solar+storage in Puerto Rico: GS Battery, Civic Solar, the Solar Foundation, and Resilient Power Puerto Rico.

U.S. Job Creation in Offshore Wind

December 7, 2017

A new report quantifies the job impacts of offshore wind development off the U.S. Northeast from Maine to Maryland. In this webinar, report author Alun Roberts from BVG Associates discussed the study’s methodology and detailed findings.

Connecticut’s Low- and Moderate-Income Solar Customer Segmentation Analysis

December 5, 2017

The Connecticut Green Bank engaged the marketing firm C+C to perform a customer analysis to identify the segments of Connecticut’s LMI population most likely to adopt solar. In this webinar, speakers from the Connecticut Green Bank and C+C will share the results of their analysis and insights for a national audience.

Approaches for Involving Low-Income Communities with Solar

November 30, 2017

In this webinar, representatives from PosiGen Solar and GRID Alternatives, organizations with extensive experience bringing solar to low-income customers, discussed how they engage with low-income customers and communities in order to spread the benefits of solar.