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Webinar & Events - Webinar
Francisco de la Chesnaye presented the findings of the Electric Power Research Institute’s newly published “U.S. National Electrification Assessment,” which examines four possible pathways of how electrification could proceed in the coming years and decades.
Through the U.S. DOE’s Grid Modernization Lab Consortium, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed electricity affordability metrics at the state and county levels for the United States. This webinar introduced a simple spreadsheet interface to map these electricity affordability metrics.
Stephen Kelley of ENGIE Storage explained how battery storage can reduce demand charges for commercial customers, and addressed common questions that building owners and energy managers may have.
Competitive Auctions with Sponsored Resources (CASPR) is a modification to ISO New England’s Forward Capacity Auction. This webinar explained CASPR and its implications for renewables.
California’s Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) is the country’s premiere energy storage rebate program. This webinar featured a presentation by Andrea Woodall, an SGIP project manager, on the program’s design, progress, results and lessons learned to date.
A new study by Berkeley Lab finds that the market value of offshore wind varies significantly along the U.S. East Coast, depending on the time-varying wind resource profile at a given site, as well as local pricing and market rules within the regional power market.
Guest speakers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory discussed their new report on income trends of residential solar adopters. It is the most comprehensive analysis of this type to date, and one of few to utilize household-level income estimates.
In this webinar, John Moore (NRDC’s Sustainable FERC Project) discussed some of the issues currently before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the regional markets it regulates, including the potential threats for state RPSs and related state energy policies.
In this webinar, guest speakers from Customized Energy Solutions will summarize FERC Order 841 and describe its impact on storage markets, just as RTO/ISO compliance efforts are getting underway across the country.
In this webinar, Clean Energy Group’s Rob Sanders was joined by guest speakers from National Housing Trust and Urban Ingenuity to discuss ownership and finance models ranging from immediate direct ownership to third party ownership flips to C-PACE financing strategies.