Webinar & Events - Webinar

Simplifying Resilient Power Design with REopt Lite: A Look at New Features Added to NREL’s Solar+Storage Tool

July 25, 2018

With the latest updates to NREL’s solar+storage optimization tool, REopt Lite, building owners and energy managers can now easily compare the costs and benefits of solar+storage systems designed to meet resiliency goals. Nick Laws, an engineer in energy systems modeling at NREL, was on-hand to answer questions about REopt Lite and help explain the new features.

Replacing Peaker Plants with Battery Storage

July 19, 2018

This webinar presented the case for battery storage, both standalone and paired with renewables, as an increasingly viable alternative to traditional fossil-fuel peaker plants. Guest speakers from Physicians, Scientists, and Engineers for Healthy Energy and the Central Coast Alliance for a Sustainable Economy presented.

Blockchain Technology for RECs, Tracking Systems, and Other Energy Market Applications

July 17, 2018

In this webinar, Alex Anich (NRG Renewables) and Ben Gerber (MRETS) sifted through the hype and uncertainty around blockchain and distributed ledger systems.

Using Solar to Reduce Peak Loads: Evaluating Rhode Island’s Distributed Solar Pilot

July 12, 2018

The Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources conducted a pilot to explore the ability of solar to reduce peak electricity loads on the local electric distribution system. Panelists discussed the project’s goals and design, and presented findings from Cadmus’ recently published program evaluation.

State Programs for Clean Energy in Local Jurisdictions: Examples from New York and Oregon

July 11, 2018

This webinar highlighted two winning programs from CESA’s 2018 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards: New York’s Clean Energy Communities Program and Oregon’s Renewable Energy Development Grant Program.

Resilient Power in Practice: Lessons Learned from the Field

June 27, 2018

Guest speakers from American Microgrid Solutions and muGrid Analytics explained how a project can be modeled and developed and shared some of their experiences and a few practical lessons learned from working with resilient power technologies the field.

The Future of Electrification and What It Means for Clean Energy

June 26, 2018

Francisco de la Chesnaye presented the findings of the Electric Power Research Institute’s newly published “U.S. National Electrification Assessment,” which examines four possible pathways of how electrification could proceed in the coming years and decades.

Electricity Affordability Metrics for the U.S.

June 14, 2018

Through the U.S. DOE’s Grid Modernization Lab Consortium, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed electricity affordability metrics at the state and county levels for the United States. This webinar introduced a simple spreadsheet interface to map these electricity affordability metrics.

Cutting Demand Charges with Battery Storage

June 5, 2018

Stephen Kelley of ENGIE Storage explained how battery storage can reduce demand charges for commercial customers, and addressed common questions that building owners and energy managers may have.

ISO-NE’s CASPR and State RPSs

May 23, 2018

Competitive Auctions with Sponsored Resources (CASPR) is a modification to ISO New England’s Forward Capacity Auction. This webinar explained CASPR and its implications for renewables.