Webinar & Events - Webinar

Energy Storage 101, Part 3: Applications and Economics

November 19, 2019

This ESTAP webinar is the third in a multi-part energy storage webinar series will cover energy storage applications and economics. Numerous opportunities for revenue and cost savings have been identified for energy storage on both sides of the meter, including frequency regulation, demand charge management, arbitrage, ancillary services, T&D deferral and others. This webinar will look at when and where these opportunities exist, which services can be effectively “stacked,” how revenue-generating opportunities are sometimes limited due to market rules or utility tariffs, and what future opportunities might arise with changes in market rules and regulations.

QuEST: Optimizing Energy Storage Tool

November 6, 2019

This ESTAP webinar will provide an introduction to QuEST, an open-source software application suite for energy storage valuation. QuEST was developed by Sandia National Laboratories as a free, public tool to assist in energy storage valuation for various use cases.

Replacing Power Plants with Low-Income Residential Solar+Storage

October 10, 2019

In this webinar, East Bay Community Energy and Sunrun share details of a new project in California that will deploy solar and battery storage systems in low-income single-family and multifamily homes to offset the need for reliance on fossil-fuel powered peaker plants.

Members-Only: Messaging Research on Public Perceptions of the US Electric Grid

October 8, 2019
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FERC 841 Compliance Update

October 1, 2019

In this webinar, guest speakers from the Energy Storage Association and Wood Mackenzie Power and Renewables discussed FERC 841 compliance progress among the nation’s ISOs and RTOs.

States’ Strategies for Working with Low-Income Community Groups on Solar

September 25, 2019

Oregon and Rhode Island have been working on a series of community outreach initiatives in order to create accessibility to solar within the low- and -moderate-income communities. These various initiatives provide useful templates for similar initiatives in other parts of the country.

Cimarron District Office: Supporting Firefighters in New Mexico with Solar+Storage

September 17, 2019

This Clean Energy Group webinar highlights a recently installed solar PV and battery storage system (solar+storage) at one of the Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECMD) of New Mexico’s most remote offices, the State Forestry Division Cimarron District Office.

US Renewables Portfolio Standards: Berkeley Lab’s Annual Status Report

September 4, 2019

LBNL’s Galen Barbose reviewed key trends in state RPSs, including recent legislative revisions, key RPS policy design features, state RPSs’ compliance with interim targets, past and projected impacts on renewables development, and compliance costs.

New York’s Energy Storage Roadmap and Other Initiatives

August 21, 2019

In this webinar, guest speakers from NYSERDA discussed New York’s Energy Storage Roadmap to 1,500MW by 2025 and other energy storage policies and programs, including a new bridge incentive, soft cost reductions, and procurement targets.

Community Campaigns for Renewable Heating and Cooling Technologies, Part 2

August 5, 2019

CESA hosted the second in a two-part webinar series highlighting the role renewable heating and cooling campaigns play in decarbonizing buildings and in helping states meet their carbon reduction goals.