Webinar & Events - Webinar

Solar for Manufactured Homes

May 13, 2021

Manufactured homes, formerly referred to as mobile homes, comprise over 6 percent of America’s housing stock and represent an even larger share of housing for low- and moderate-income (LMI) households. CESA’s new report explores the opportunities and challenges for bringing the benefits of solar to manufactured housing residents in fourteen states.

Overcoming Barriers to Solar+Storage in Critical Facilities Serving Low-Income Communities

May 6, 2021

As part of CESA’s Scaling Up Solar for Under-Resourced Communities Project, Clean Energy Group conducted a survey of municipalities, community organizations, affordable housing developers, and technical service providers who have been involved in developing solar+storage projects. This webinar will focus on highlights of the survey.

Replacing Peaker Power Plants with Clean Energy: A Frontline Vision for New York City

April 21, 2021

A new report from the PEAK Coalition lays out a plan to reliably replace all fossil-fuel peaker power plants in New York City with a mix of renewable energy, storage and demand side energy management solutions by 2030.

Maryland Energy Storage Pilot Program: Exploring Business Models and Revenue Streams in PJM

April 14, 2021

This webinar will provide background on the Maryland energy storage pilot program, explore the dynamics of the proposed energy storage projects and business models, and explain both potential revenue streams and operational challenges for storage resources in PJM.

State Plans for 100% Clean Electricity: Updates from California and Rhode Island

April 6, 2021

California and Rhode Island recently issued important planning studies that will help with 100% clean energy implementation.

Collaborating with Community-Based Organizations: An Energy Justice Primer for States

March 23, 2021

Solar development in under-resourced communities will be most effective and equitable when trusted community organizations are involved. Panelists discussed a new guidebook for state energy agencies that are looking to strengthen their relationships with local under-resourced communities or are beginning to engage in energy justice work.

ConnectedSolutions: How a New Program Improves the Economics and Social Benefits of Solar+Storage in Massachusetts and Beyond

March 12, 2021

This webinar will present new economic analysis showing how commercial facilities in Massachusetts (and beyond) can maximize energy savings and resiliency by installing solar PV and battery storage systems under the new ConnectedSolutions battery incentive program.

Building Community Resilience Hubs: A Conversation with the Asian Pacific Environmental Network and RYSE Center

March 10, 2021

Speakers from the Asian Pacific Environmental Network will discuss their experience defining and developing community resilience hubs. The discussion will include a case study – the RYSE Youth Center in Richmond, CA – and their efforts transforming the Center into a resilience hub.

Designing Hybrid Combined Heat and Power Systems: An Introduction to New Features in NREL’s REopt Lite Tool

March 2, 2021

This webinar will focus on REopt Lite’s new CHP capabilities.

State of the U.S. Energy Storage Industry: 2020 Year in Review

February 25, 2021

Our annual lookback at the year in energy storage will cover advances in the U.S. market, including deployment trends, policy and regulatory updates; the state of the art in energy storage technologies; and the market outlook for the coming years. Dan Finn-Foley from Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables will share his insights, with introductory remarks from Dr. Imre Gyuk from US DOE Office of Electricity.