Webinar & Events - Webinar

Members-Only: EIA’s State Energy Data: What It Is and How to Use It

August 31, 2021
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Energy Storage Policy Best Practices from New England

August 26, 2021

A new report by the Clean Energy Group and the Clean Energy States Alliance explores energy storage policy best practices and lessons learned from the New England states. The report aims to inform state policymakers and regulators seeking to expand energy storage markets.

The LA100 Study: Lessons for State 100% Clean Energy Planning

August 25, 2021

The Los Angeles 100% Renewable Energy Study is one of the most detailed, rigorous studies to analyze pathways for achieving a carbon-free energy future. Its findings are presented through a visually appealing website, including an interactive data viewer.

Behind-the-Meter Solar+Storage Market Data and Trends

August 19, 2021

Researchers from Berkeley Lab presented their in-depth analysis on the behind-the-meter solar+storage market in the US.

Justice in 100% Clean Energy Policies: A Scorecard for Equity and Lessons from Washington State

July 28, 2021

Subin DeVar from the Initiative for Energy Justice will present the “Justice in 100: Scorecard,” a rubric for evaluating 100% clean energy laws. To illustrate what energy equity policymaking looks like in practice, Mariel Thuraisingham from Front and Centered will discuss the social justice dimensions of implementing Washington State’s Clean Energy Transformation Act.

The Bad River Band Microgrid: Solar+Storage as a Tool for Tribal Energy Sovereignty and Resilience

July 22, 2021

Learn how the Bad River Band assembled the team necessary to successfully navigate the federal Department of Energy grant process, overcame obstacles created by COVID-19, and built the Ishkonige Nawadide Solar Microgrid Project. The microgrid was designed to withstand disasters worse than the floods in 2016, and it provides critical power to the wastewater treatment plant, the Health and Wellness Center, and an Administration Building.

An Introduction to Community Resilience Hubs

June 16, 2021

This Clean Energy Group webinar will introduce the Resilience Hub concept, explain how the development of Hubs can strengthen local resilience in the face of climate impacts, and discuss the process of conceptualizing and implementing a community Resilience Hub, with a focus on energy resilience measures.

Storage as Wires

May 28, 2021

Speakers from Customized Energy Solutions and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center will discuss storage-as-wires solutions and successful deployments.

Evaluating the Financial Performance of Connecticut’s Low- and Moderate-Income Solar Lease Program

May 26, 2021

In 2015, Connecticut Green Bank, in partnership with the solar and energy efficiency company PosiGen, launched a solar leasing program that targets low- and moderate-income homeowners. Berkeley Lab’s study shows that the program has successfully reached underserved customers and has reasonable repayment rates given the credit characteristics of the participants.

How Low- and Moderate-Income Solar Programs are Evaluated: Trends and Best Practices

May 20, 2021

There are now over 40 programs in the US that promote solar adoption by low- and moderate-income households. New research from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory takes a look at how they are being evaluated, highlighting trends among evaluation methods, metrics tracked, and best practices employed.