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Webinar & Events - Technology
This webinar will describe the inventory of state policies that is being undertaken for the Eastern Interconnection States’ Planning Council (EISPC). It will also explain how representatives of state agencies in the eastern interconnection can review and easily edit the policy entries for their state.
This webinar, presented by the Clean Energy States Alliance’s Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP), features a presentation by Bret Adams, Director of Business Development at EnerVault, on the opportunity for redox flow batteries and examples of their applications.
Clean Energy States Alliance will be hosting a webinar on fuel cell technology with guest speakers Jennifer Gangi of Fuel Cells 2000, Gerard Conway of Plug Power, and Asim Hussain of Bloom Energy.
This webinar will review two State Leadership in Clean Energy Award winning solar programs from Massachusetts and Connecticut.
This webinar featured a presentation by the California Energy Commission on the UCSD Microgrid and Synchorphasor R&D Programs. These programs were recipients of the 2012 State Leadership in Clean Energy (SLICE) Awards.
This webinar will highlight details of one of the 2012 State Leadership in Clean Energy Award winning programs, the New Hampshire PUC’s Residential Wood-Pellet Boiler Rebate Program, and will focus on woody biomass heating technologies, and environmental impacts.
CESA will present this webinar to highlight the two award winning programs from NYSERDA.
Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) is pleased to host an upcoming webinar with Connecticut DEEP, in conjunction with Sandia National Laboratories and the U.S. DOE Office of Electricity, on energy storage.
CESA Fall Meeting – Albany, NY – Oct. 22-23rd!
Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA), through its Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) project, will present a webinar on state electricity storage on Thursday, July 12 at 2 p.m. EST. Featured speakers will include Commissioner Jeanne M. Fox, of the NJ Board of Public Utilities; David Nemtzow of the California Energy Storage Alliance; and Sheridan J. Pauker, Esq. of the Energy and Clean Technology Group of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, a law practice that works extensively with energy storage companies.