Webinar & Events - Solar PV

Solar+Storage in Net Metering Programs

September 13, 2018

The addition of storage behind customer meters can require new rules and guidelines to accompany net metering regimes that were not designed with solar+storage in mind. This webinar examined lessons learned in California and Massachusetts.

California’s Pioneering Policies for New Homes: Greater Efficiency with Required Solar Energy

September 11, 2018

In May, California became the first state to require new homes to include solar power. Guest speakers from the California Energy Commission explained the requirement, how it will be implemented, and how other states might adopt similar policies.

Community Solar Program Design and Implementation for Low-and Moderate-Income Customers

August 30, 2018

Guest speakers from NREL discussed their forthcoming report, which reviews existing and emerging LMI community solar programs, discusses key questions related to program design, outlines how states can leverage incentives and finance structures to lower the cost of LMI community solar, and examines marketing and outreach considerations.

Solar PV Recycling: Issues and Considerations for State Decision-Makers

August 28, 2018

What happens to solar photovoltaic (PV) panels when they come to the end of their useful lifetime? Garvin Heath, a senior analyst at NREL, shared lessons learned and key insights from his research to inform state-level efforts to develop effective, efficient, and affordable PV module recycling and recovery strategies.

Simplifying Resilient Power Design with REopt Lite: A Look at New Features Added to NREL’s Solar+Storage Tool

July 25, 2018

With the latest updates to NREL’s solar+storage optimization tool, REopt Lite, building owners and energy managers can now easily compare the costs and benefits of solar+storage systems designed to meet resiliency goals. Nick Laws, an engineer in energy systems modeling at NREL, was on-hand to answer questions about REopt Lite and help explain the new features.

Using Solar to Reduce Peak Loads: Evaluating Rhode Island’s Distributed Solar Pilot

July 12, 2018

The Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources conducted a pilot to explore the ability of solar to reduce peak electricity loads on the local electric distribution system. Panelists discussed the project’s goals and design, and presented findings from Cadmus’ recently published program evaluation.

Solar Consumer Protection Workshop

May 17, 2018

This workshop helped state officials identify and implement solar consumer protection strategies.

Income Trends of Residential Solar Adopters

May 2, 2018

Guest speakers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory discussed their new report on income trends of residential solar adopters. It is the most comprehensive analysis of this type to date, and one of few to utilize household-level income estimates.

Follow-Up Discussion on Customer Acquisition for LMI Solar Programs

December 14, 2017

This interactive webinar discussion is a follow-up to two earlier webinars: “Approaches for Involving Low-Income Communities with Solar” (11/30) and “Connecticut’s Low- and Moderate-Income Solar Customer Segmentation Analysis” (12/5).

Connecticut’s Low- and Moderate-Income Solar Customer Segmentation Analysis

December 5, 2017

The Connecticut Green Bank engaged the marketing firm C+C to perform a customer analysis to identify the segments of Connecticut’s LMI population most likely to adopt solar. In this webinar, speakers from the Connecticut Green Bank and C+C will share the results of their analysis and insights for a national audience.