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Webinar & Events - Solar PV
In this webinar, guest speakers from Energy Allies and the Boston Community Solar Cooperative (BCSC) will discuss their adaptable model for community-led solar. The BCSC grew out of a grassroots coalition of individuals, businesses and nonprofits organizing for an equitable transition to a clean energy economy in Boston’s Environmental Justice Communities. Energy Allies supported the formation of BCSC as a community-led, community-benefiting organization.
Many joined CEG for an interactive 2-hour session exploring the best practices, opportunities, and obstacles in advancing resilient power – solar PV paired with battery storage (solar+storage) – in historically marginalized communities.
Washington, DC’s Solar for All program is a rooftop and community solar program aiming to benefit over 100,000 households with incomes at or below 80% of area median income. This webinar profiled the program and the ways its administrators have handled outreach and consumer education over the program’s seven-year history.
NREL’s new report chronicles their efforts to document successful LIHEAP and WAP implementation pathways. In this CESA webinar, report authors discussed their findings and explored effective ways that WAP and LIHEAP state agencies can bring solar to their clients.
Prioritizing Equity in Program Development: How to Build a Resilient Power Technical Assistance Fund
Over the past 10 years, CEG’s Technical Assistance Fund has supported over 175 communities in their quest for resilient power. In this webinar, CEG staff discussed how to establish an effective and equitable technical assistance program.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has released two reports that highlight the influence of both residential and non-residential solar installations on nearby residential solar adoption rates.
Berkeley Lab’s new report describes trends in solar-adopter household income, race and ethnicity, rurality, education levels, occupation, age, home value, housing type and tenure, and prevalence within disadvantaged communities. In this webinar, report authors shared their findings.
The Solar with Justice 2023 National Workshop will foster connections between state agencies and community organizations as well as provide opportunities for both groups to share opportunities and barriers to solar development in under-resourced communities.
NYSERDA’s Affordable Solar and Storage Predevelopment and Technical Assistance program in New York State is successfully addressing the predevelopment challenge for solar and storage projects for low- and moderate-income residents.
A new solar array in Minnesota will benefit local income-eligible households, including manufactured (mobile) homes residents, who heat with electric heat. Panelists will provide an in-depth overview and current status of the project.