Webinar & Events - Solar PV

Energy Resilience for Medically Vulnerable Multifamily Affordable Housing Residents: A Technoeconomic Analysis for Connecticut

April 10, 2025

This webinar provides an overview of the “Resilient Solar+Storage” training materials and course content, which includes the basics of solar+storage, evaluating a potential project, exploring financing and ownership options, and working with project development partners.

Resilient Solar+Storage Training: Introducing a Free Course for Community-Serving Facilities

March 6, 2025

This webinar provides an overview of the “Resilient Solar+Storage” training materials and course content, which includes the basics of solar+storage, evaluating a potential project, exploring financing and ownership options, and working with project development partners.

Solar and Battery Storage to Support Community Preparedness and Disaster Response

January 15, 2025

An increase in severe weather events, combined with aging energy infrastructure, is resulting in more frequent and longer duration power outages. This webinar focused on innovative applications of solar+storage to assist vulnerable communities in the event of an outage and emergency event.

Residential Solar+Storage: Weighing the Benefits of Bill Savings vs. Backup Power

November 20, 2024

How can households balance the economic benefits of using their battery to lower energy bills and the resilience benefits of stored energy for backup power? This CEG webinar covers Berkeley Lab’s study that explores this question.

Expanding Clean Energy Access and Benefits: Award-Winning Programs in Connecticut and Maryland

November 14, 2024

This webinar highlighted two impressive and impactful state clean energy programs that were purposefully designed so that low- and moderate-income households can not only participate in clean energy programs, but also benefit financially from them.

Meaningful Household Savings from Solar

October 30, 2024

In this DOE-organized webinar, CESA Executive Director Warren Leon and Senior Project Director for Solar and Offshore Wind Vero Bourg-Meyer will discuss best practices for meaningful household savings from solar, gaps in the literature on solar savings, and what will be needed to scale up best practices. 

Sharing Solar Benefits with Multifamily Renters: A Mississippi Case Study

October 30, 2024

This webinar dove into a pioneering multifamily solar project in Jackson, Mississippi that implemented an innovative technology solution to provide direct benefits to apartment residents who have historically been left out of the clean energy transition.

Collaboration between Community-Based Organizations and State Energy Agencies: Findings and Lessons from the Solar with Justice Project

September 27, 2024

This CESA webinar covers a series of reports released by CESA and MIT in August based on a nationwide survey of community-based organizations. Report authors review key findings and lessons learned from the studies.

Tribal-State Collaboration on Sustainability and Solar Development: A Case Study of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe

September 23, 2024

In this CESA webinar, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe’s Eugene Strowbridge provided an overview of a forthcoming case study exploring the Tribal-State relationship through the experiences of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, which began developing its Sustainability Program in 2014.

Using Community Solar to Cut Energy Burdens in Manufactured Mobile Home Communities

September 18, 2024

Manufactured homes (aka “mobile” homes) are an important form of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income (LMI) households. But they can often be energy-inefficient and difficult to weatherize, resulting in high energy bills and energy burdens. In this CESA webinar, speakers discussed Berkeley Lab’s report that proposes combining community solar subscriptions with air-source heat pump installations and managing bill credits to reduce winter heating bills.