Webinar & Events - Resilient Power

An Introduction to Community Resilience Hubs

June 16, 2021

This Clean Energy Group webinar will introduce the Resilience Hub concept, explain how the development of Hubs can strengthen local resilience in the face of climate impacts, and discuss the process of conceptualizing and implementing a community Resilience Hub, with a focus on energy resilience measures.

Building Community Resilience Hubs: A Conversation with the Asian Pacific Environmental Network and RYSE Center

March 10, 2021

Speakers from the Asian Pacific Environmental Network will discuss their experience defining and developing community resilience hubs. The discussion will include a case study – the RYSE Youth Center in Richmond, CA – and their efforts transforming the Center into a resilience hub.

Solar+Storage for Puerto Rico Fire Station Resilience

March 3, 2021

Solar Responders was formed as a response to the Puerto Rico Fire Department’s demand for reliable, resilient power. To date, Solar Responders has installed solar+storage on 6 fire stations, with a goal of all stations by 2023. In this webinar, guest speakers will share the challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned from this process.

Designing Hybrid Combined Heat and Power Systems: An Introduction to New Features in NREL’s REopt Lite Tool

March 2, 2021

This webinar will focus on REopt Lite’s new CHP capabilities.

Solar+Storage Fire Safety Training: Single and Multifamily Residential

January 12, 2021

This webinar focuses on solar and battery response safety for single and multifamily residential projects.

Financing Resilient Power in Underserved Communities: Moving Forward with Distributed Solar+Storage Projects

October 20, 2020

Resilient solar+storage projects are increasingly being pursued in low- and moderate-income communities in response to a combination of falling costs, new revenue opportunities and incentive programs, and innovative financing solutions. This webinar explored the economics of distributed solar+storage projects, characteristics of current projects, financing solutions, incentives, and technical assistance resources.

Nantucket Island Energy Storage: Batteries for Reducing Peak and Deferring Infrastructure Investment

October 9, 2020

Speakers from PNNL, National Grid, and DOE will discuss Nantucket’s new battery energy storage system.

An Introduction to Virtual Power Plants

September 28, 2020

This webinar covered the basics of what a virtual power plant is and how it can create value for both utilities and customers, with examples from real-world programs.

The Massachusetts Clean Peak Standard – How it will affect renewable and storage value streams, projects, and markets

September 2, 2020

Massachusetts is launching the nation’s first Clean Peak Energy Standard, an ambitious, complex program that aims to reduce peak electric demand, cut emissions, and lower ratepayer costs.

Replacing New York City’s Dirty Peaker Power Plants with Renewables and Battery Storage

May 28, 2020

In this webinar, members of the PEAK Coalition detailed the finding of their new report, “Dirty Energy, Big Money,” which exposes the environmental and economic harms that peaker power plants are inflicting on communities in New York City, and introduced measures the organizations are taking to replace peakers with renewables and battery storage.