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Webinar & Events - Policy
In this webinar, CESA and its participating state partners discussed the New England Solar Cost-Reduction Partnership’s activities and accomplishments, as well as lessons learned from the project.
This webinar, hosted by Clean Energy Group for the Northeast Wind Resource Center, highlights the Northeast Ocean Plan and Rhode Island’s Ocean Special Area Management Plan and the public processes leading to comprehensive ocean management regulations that protect ocean resources and activities.
In this webinar, hosted by CESA’s RPS Collaborative, guest speakers from LBNL and NREL discussed research and technical assistance opportunities to help state regulators and policymakers better plan for grid modernization, and how grid modernization could impact RPS goal setting and implementation.
In this two-part webinar series hosted by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, members of the Nonprofit Solar Stakeholders Coalition presented details from the ground-breaking proposal they compiled to guide implementation of California’s new $1 billion dollar affordable housing solar program.
In this webinar, Part 1 in a two-part series hosted by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, members of the Nonprofit Solar Stakeholders Coalition presented details from the ground-breaking proposal they compiled to guide implementation of California’s new $1 billion dollar affordable housing solar program.
In this webinar hosted by Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Project, guest speakers from GTM Research shared insights related to recent developments in the U.S. energy storage market including deployment trends, policy updates, and market outlook (2016-2021).
This webinar highlighted two winning programs from CESA’s 2016 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards: The California Energy Commission’s New Solar Homes Partnership, and NYSERDA’s NY-Sun.
This webinar highlighted two winning programs from CESA’s 2016 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards: New Hampshire’s Useful Thermal Energy Certificate (T-REC) Program, and Rhode Island’s System Reliability Procurement Solar Distributed Generation Pilot Project.
This webinar covered highlights from a recent RPS Collaborative Report on the relationship between EPA’s Clean Power Plan and state RPSs. Report author Ed Holt presented.
This webinar looked at the future of the electric grid and states’ approaches to grid modernization.