Webinar Archives
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Webinar & Events - Policy
The addition of storage behind customer meters can require new rules and guidelines to accompany net metering regimes that were not designed with solar+storage in mind. This webinar examined lessons learned in California and Massachusetts.
Competitive Auctions with Sponsored Resources (CASPR) is a modification to ISO New England’s Forward Capacity Auction. This webinar explained CASPR and its implications for renewables.
This workshop helped state officials identify and implement solar consumer protection strategies.
In this webinar, John Moore (NRDC’s Sustainable FERC Project) discussed some of the issues currently before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the regional markets it regulates, including the potential threats for state RPSs and related state energy policies.
The U.S. energy storage market experienced substantial growth in 2017. In this ESTAP webinar, presented by US DOE-OE and Sandia National Laboratories, and hosted by CESA, guest speakers from GTM Research shared insights related to recent developments in the U.S. energy storage market, including deployment trends, policy updates, and market outlook.
This interactive webinar discussion is a follow-up to two earlier webinars: “Using Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Funds for Low-Income Solar” (1/11), and “Using Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Funds for Low-Income Solar” (1/16).
LIHEAP serves as an emergency bill assistance service, but state LIHEAP administrators have flexibility to use some program funds to reduce long-term dependence on energy assistance. Some argue that these LIHEAP funds should be used for low-income solar.
Traditionally, the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) focused on increasing energy efficiency for low-income households. As solar costs have declined, interest in using WAP funds for low-income solar deployment has increased.