Webinar & Events - Policy

The Department of Defense’s Clean Energy and Energy Resilience Programs and Policies

May 2, 2023

This webinar will provide an introduction for state and local policy makers about DoD’s clean energy and energy resilience policies and programs, and explore case studies of DoD’s active partnerships with local governments and utilities to make mutually beneficial resilience investments.

New Federal Money for Energy Storage: The Inflation Reduction Act

December 16, 2022

This webinar will dig into what the IRA means for energy storage in the US, what types of activity will be eligible for funding, and how the new IRA funding mechanisms fit together with the previously announced IIJA funding.

Behind-the-Meter Energy Storage: Comparing State Policies

November 17, 2022

A new report by NREL compares behind-the-meter battery storage across all fifty states. This first-of-its-kind BTM storage policy stack includes 11 parent policy categories, and 31 associated policies divided across the market preparation, creation, and expansion policy components. 

Innovative Avenues to Public Participation in Clean Energy Development, Featuring Connecticut and Washington

November 9, 2022

This webinar will highlight two impressive and impactful state programs that are accelerating the development of clean energy while increasing public participation in the process: The CT Green Bank’s Green Liberty Bonds program, and Washington’s 2021 State Energy Strategy.

State Leadership in Decarbonizing the Building Sector, Featuring California and New York

October 26, 2022

The building sector is a substantial contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. This webinar will highlight two state initiatives that are making a big impact in decarbonizing this sector: California’s 2022 Building Energy Efficiency Standards and New York’s Clean Energy Initiative.

Evaluating Massachusetts’ ConnectedSolutions Program: Strengths and Weaknesses from the First Program Cycle

October 21, 2021

This Clean Energy Group webinar will discuss the findings of a new report, “ConnectedSolutions: A Program Assessment for Massachusetts,” that assesses the design and performance of the Massachusetts ConnectedSolutions program.

ConnectedSolutions: How a New Program Improves the Economics and Social Benefits of Solar+Storage in Massachusetts and Beyond

March 12, 2021

This webinar will present new economic analysis showing how commercial facilities in Massachusetts (and beyond) can maximize energy savings and resiliency by installing solar PV and battery storage systems under the new ConnectedSolutions battery incentive program.

Should a Carbon Tax Be Part of the Strategy for Achieving 100% Clean Energy?

November 18, 2020

This webinar will explore how a carbon tax could feature in state and national efforts to advance clean energy. Gilbert Metcalf will explain why economists believe a carbon tax can be an effective, efficient, and fair policy for addressing climate change.

Power After Carbon: Findings and Insights for State Policymakers

September 9, 2020

This webinar will focus on recommendations for state policymakers who are considering strategies for moving towards 100% clean energy for their state’s electricity sector.

New Jersey’s Plan for Achieving 100% Carbon-Neutral Electricity

July 29, 2020

Guest speakers discussed details of the “2019 New Jersey Energy Master Plan: Pathway to 2050,” including the strategies for reaching 100% clean energy, and described the process the state used for producing the master plan.